The Album Review Club - Week #144 - (page 1893) - XO - Elliot Smith

I pick albums I love, have some meaning and play frequently. Not bothered by the score if I'm honest it's just nice if someone hears it for the first time and likes it.
Have you ever done first listens of your favourite artists, on YouTube. It’s a thing with some channels and yes, you do get cheesy please the nominator, responses.
But sometimes you get genuine, epiphany moments that are heart warming in themselves. Especially when you come across a 90’s or millennial child having their brain bombshelled by someone you loved back in the seventies or eighties.

I still do it with Rory (live) when I’m sat on my own, of an evening. Nice glass of Teelings and some kid having his mind blown by Rory for the first time, beats TV any night of the week.
Have you ever done first listens of your favourite artists, on YouTube. It’s a thing with some channels and yes, you do get cheesy please the nominator, responses.
But sometimes you get genuine, epiphany moments that are heart warming in themselves. Especially when you come across a 90’s or millennial child having their brain bombshelled by someone you loved back in the seventies or eighties.

I still do it with Rory (live) when I’m sat on my own, of an evening. Nice glass of Teelings and some kid having his mind blown by Rory for the first time, beats TV any night of the week.
I have but get confused by the ones who are, say, young record producer types who have never heard Bohemian Rhapsody. I call foul.

Still, it's good to see people watching DM and liking them.
We have. I understand the counter-argument; I just don't agree with it :) Because in a live show an artist can play all their best songs from the back catalogue. They can cherry pick. Much harder to produce an original work with all "best" songs. Which I think should be the standard given we're scoring all the records.

I probably care the most about the scoring and I don't have any records in the top 24 -- probably the worst performance of any regular poster here! And I've tried very hard to pick from the accessible records I like.

But no more. From now on I am picking stuff I love but a lot of you will hate. :) :)
You’re one in a 345,426,571 Foggy. Always said it.
I do like the fact that not everyone likes/gets this one and do fully appreciate the contentious issue of live albums.
It's almost as if we have returned to a discussion as per Radiohead!

Apart from checking with Rob a few weeks ago about eligibility of live albums, it was down to this being my first real exposure to TH. The "B" side to Slippery people being the live track.
I think maybe and perhaps aptly, with me being a "dipper", that any eventual mark should perhaps have an *
Don’t let anybody bully you, mate. Whilst I understand the arguments against live and greatest hits albums, this thread was always about nominating a record that means something to you and you want others to hear.

I think it seems to be a real hang up with some on here.
Personally if asked, I’m just putting an album up for review. It’s up for debate no matter what it is. A Best Of, A live album, an original, so what.
The deal is I put an album forward and give a personal review of what it is I see in it.
You lot give it a listen and either get it, or you pull it apart, according to your own taste.
The scoring is fun but really doesn’t matter to me, although of the three albums I put forward early on, the live one, Rory Irish Tour ‘74, did the worst of all and I have trawled back through the reviews and have taken note of anyone who gave it less than an 8 and done some investigating and I know who you are and where you live and am keeping an eye on you.

When do I go again Rob?
Are you saying you want to be back on the nominatiors list?

If so, it will be sometime in Mid/late October.
The point here may well be that some (like me) are giving high marks on foot of our love of the film(movie) rather than the album, original or remastered.

It’s a fair point… for anyone who cares about the scoring.
You like what you like. Musical taste isn’t a competition.
Loved your write up mate. Made me laugh at the thought of you being chased round a cinema for practicing air guitar on stage. This thread isn’t a competition and this is a valid choice. The movie adds to your enjoyment and appreciation of the music so you should score it as you see fit.
I'm especially glad it's mostly Brits here -- this thread wouldn't be as interesting for me if it was all Yanks I suspect.
If you get the right Yanks aboard, you might find they nominate more from Manchester/UK than some Brits that nominate from Nashville! ;-)
Don’t let anybody bully you, mate. Whilst I understand the arguments against live and greatest hits albums, this thread was always about nominating a record that means something to you and you want others to hear.

Are you saying you want to be back on the nominatiors list?

If so, it will be sometime in Mid/late October.
Let’s not get hasty.
I talk enough bollox about other people’s choices and of late my schedule has become quite busy.

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