The Art Thread


Well-Known Member
21 Dec 2013
There isn't really a thread to discuss art, in all its many many formats, you uncultured slobs. So here goes.

1. Painting/Mural. Edvard Munch - The Sun (1911)

A less famous cousin of The Scream, this huge mural emanates hope and light and power. The lines draw you in, everything is drawn to the sun. It's also slightly otherworldly to me. I like the colours, a lot.


2. Painting. Piet Mondrian - Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Gray, and Blue (1921)

I am not a big fan of these Mondrian abstracts, i think they're ok and in fact i prefer his impressionistic work on trees, but it was a visit to the Tate Modern and a free tour that included this painting, that made me understand abstract art just a little bit (from very little to very little plus a tiny bit). Mondrian was obsessed with the lines and form in nature, and potential reduction and simplification, and also the quest to remove the non-essential and represent pure abstraction of the soul. Looking at a timeline of his paintings, you can see trees and such become ever boxier sets of lines, and how this painting came about. In my own opinion, I don't think it's a coincidence that this painting was done post WW1 and this form took shape during the war.


3. Play. William Shakespeare - Love's Labour's Lost.

I went to see this play this year, I haven't seen many Shakespeare plays live (3?), but i thoroughly enjoyed this one, it felt accessible, funny, and strangely relevant for a 400 yr old work. Centred on love, finding it, repressing it, and convention, it felt like watching incels and tinder at points. Human nature has not changed, just the tools with which we express it.

what do you like?
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Sore point with me as the area I live in Thanet is trying to rebrand itself on the back of art. Millions and millions of tax payers money given to the new arty community that has moved in from London.
17 Million to build a new art gallery than 10 years later another 8 Million spent on repairs to it. It doesn't even charge an entrance fee.
The art community are getting loads of our taxes, trying to take over the area, pushing up house prices.

The standard of art is no better than a 5 year old.

To answer your question I like the first painting
OH is the artist in our house. She has an MA in Fine Art. Certainly opened my eyes to a lot of 'art' I would never have considered seeing. She has a particular interest Duchamp, Man Ray, surrealism in general, and YBA movement from the late 80's.
Sore point with me as the area I live in Thanet is trying to rebrand itself on the back of art. Millions and millions of tax payers money given to the new arty community that has moved in from London.
17 Million to build a new art gallery than 10 years later another 8 Million spent on repairs to it. It doesn't even charge an entrance fee.
The art community are getting loads of our taxes, trying to take over the area, pushing up house prices.

The standard of art is no better than a 5 year old.

To answer your question I like the first painting
any examples of things you do like? can be anything
I thought I wasn't a big fan of art museums in general but found recently I quite like contemporary art after visiting the Modern Art galleries in Edinburgh when it was close to the hotel.

I think it's a lot more relatable than some ancient painting from hundreds of years ago when the world was totally different.

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