The British Monarchy

You must remember that these people are so entitled they make LFC fans seem positively grounded.

They expect, as of right, a level of servile grovelling that no human being should impose upon another.

Someone should remind them, in no uncertain terms, that it isn't the Middle Ages anymore. And if - I do say if - any one of them still believes they were put where they are by God, they should be fucking certified and locked away in a secure hospital.
You must remember that these people are so entitled they make LFC fans seem positively grounded.

They expect, as of right, a level of servile grovelling that no human being should impose upon another.

Someone should remind them, in no uncertain terms, that it isn't the Middle Ages anymore. And if - I do say if - any one of them still believes they were put where they are by God, they should be fucking certified and locked away in a secure hospital.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Well fucking said.
You must remember that these people are so entitled they make LFC fans seem positively grounded.

They expect, as of right, a level of servile grovelling that no human being should impose upon another.

Someone should remind them, in no uncertain terms, that it isn't the Middle Ages anymore. And if - I do say if - any one of them still believes they were put where they are by God, they should be fucking certified and locked away in a secure hospital.

Have you ever been made to grovel in front of them, or decided yourself to grovel in front of them? In my 23 years in the UK they didn't affect my life at all. They were irrelevant. Corrupt and incompetent politicians, on the other hand ....
Just to be clear. This grown man who it seems can’t dress himself should he held in some mystical high regard and respected because he will be a king who can’t dress himself?

Yeah, still not for me this Royalty lark.
If he gets an outfit which that old emperor casts off then it won't take long and he will be able to dress himself in no time.
Have you ever been made to grovel in front of them, or decided yourself to grovel in front of them? In my 23 years in the UK they didn't affect my life at all. They were irrelevant. Corrupt and incompetent politicians, on the other hand ....
No, because I have never worked for them, in any capacity. There are many life experiences I haven't had, but that doesn't mean I don't object to the abuse and degradation of other human beings.

They are far from irrelevant. They set the whole tone of society and frequently veto or amend legislation that threatens their private interests. Imagine if we could all do that! You will never properly reform the UK state, including removing corruption from politics, until this lot are gone.
No, because I have never worked for them, in any capacity. There are many life experiences I haven't had, but that doesn't mean I don't object to the abuse and degradation of other human beings.

They are far from irrelevant. They set the whole tone of society and frequently veto or amend legislation that threatens their private interests. Imagine if we could all do that! You will never properly reform the UK state, including removing corruption from politics, until this lot are gone.

Fair enough, I suppose, as long as you are equally vehement in your condemnation of other perceived abuses and degradations.

Clearly, the royal family needs to join the 21st century if it is to survive but I doubt very much that getting rid of the royal family will cure any of the ills plaguing the UK, or make any difference at all to 99% of the population.

Just imho.
No, because I have never worked for them, in any capacity. There are many life experiences I haven't had, but that doesn't mean I don't object to the abuse and degradation of other human beings.

They are far from irrelevant. They set the whole tone of society and frequently veto or amend legislation that threatens their private interests. Imagine if we could all do that! You will never properly reform the UK state, including removing corruption from politics, until this lot are gone.

What I like about you is that your posts are not visceral and have a feeling of a thought out process put into thoughts unlike many anti monarchists on here who just display envy only.
What I like about you is that your posts are not visceral and have a feeling of a thought out process put into thoughts unlike many anti monarchists on here who just display envy only.
Whereas yours aren’t well thought out and portray you as a bootlicker, whilst trying to tell the world you aren’t a subject.

No one is envious of the inbred family living in a goldfish bowl.

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