The British Monarchy

I am constantly surprised at the astonishing ability of some posters to discern class, history, beliefs, and a whole load of other stuff from peoples posts alone. Why do they speculate? Just reply to the post. I once posted a truth about a Tory policy that did not condemn it. The answer came back swiftly along the lines ‘well, being a Tory, you would say that.’ I would guess that respondent would be a little surprised by my opposition to monarchy, and my support for the legalisation of drugs and brothels, and more besides. But, hey, these are good Tory policies don’t y’know.
P.S. I read that there are now 89,000 people in British prisons. Like any good Tory I believe that is a disgrace and that at least a third of them should not be there.
It’s water off a duck’s back to me mate. People can form their own views without having met me, but there’s plenty on here who have who are better placed to form a more considered and informed view.

I’m ridiculously comfortable in my own skin, and if people don’t like who I am, that’s their loss, but there’s enough people who do for it genuinely not to bother me.

Especially if they are fucking insecure cunts.
Not really surprised at reading that. ‘Maybe not the best mum’ but she ‘had a brilliant sense of humour’. Priorities sorted. She lived through entitlement and luxury even you as a posh twat couldn’t imagine. Ian McKellen has her right.
Judging by McKellen’s recent comments, it actually sounds like Her Majesty had him down to a tee. Like she did with pretty much everyone in fact.
Watching that video, it struck me just how "un-royal" it is. Not filmed in some stuffy study in Sandringham or wherever, no pomp, no formality, but out in a forest somewhere. And the focus seemed to be on family. Extensive shots of the five of them together, in a relaxed atmosphere . I couldn't imagine such a video being put together when Queen Elizabeth was Catherine's age. I wish her well in her ongoing battle with this scourge of an illness. As I do for everybody facing the same hard battle.

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