The Conservative Party

The Tories (at least their owners and policy makers, not the puppets like truss etc) don't want to win the next election.
They know the economy is destroyed and it will continue to get a lot worse before it even starts to get better.
With Starmer in charge of the Labour Party we won't see the radical changes required to rebalance the economy, so the Tory Party OWNERS have decided to send truss out to totally wreck things and obtain as much of OUR money as possible before handing over to see how long it takes Labour to stop the slide and gradually turn things round.
House price crash incoming
With the crash of the pound, the price of oil will increase leading to ever higher food and fuel costs, requiring the Bank of England to be required to increase the interest rates just at the time when the vast majority will be under ever increasing financial pressures.
The only people who benefit from this self-servatives government are the uber wealthy, bankers, yacht builders, and top of the range sports car salesmen (Oh, bailiffs will also be very busy shortly as well)
When you see a homeless, destitute person, and want to help them get back on their feet, maybe help them be able to afford a meal, get yourself off to the richest part of town, find the best, most expensive house you can and stuff a wad of cash through the letterbox.
The occupiers will "trickle down" the money to that homeless person and all will be great again.
The UK will have the world's best and most dynamic economy in the world as a a result.

Tory policy, according to Thick Lizzy
F'kin wild day in the world of finance today.

The markets are in a kind of limbo state struggling to comprehend the level of incompetence.

The statement of the BoE earlier basically calling the government out for the cluster F of friday. At this rate Truss is toast - there is no way her government can carry on like this.
I said she won't be in post come Spring. This really is a clusterfuck of a parliament/government.

My genuine problem is, whilst Starmer appears okayish, the group of muppets he has sitting behind him are unbelievably incompetent. There is only one Labour MP I would put any faith is and that's Chris Bryant.... very sad times ahead.
Could have been worse.
Think about the chaos predicted by call me Dave that would have ensued had Red Ed been elected in 2015.
And can you imagine the carnage if 'crash the pound' Jezza had won in 2019.
Dodged a couple of bullets there.
He wouldn’t have used Nuclear weapons though.
Absolute amateur hour from Kwarteng - initially disregarding the need for an OBR forecast and then having to issue his statement today, all after doubling down over the weekend.

Really is very poor and he’s showing very little understanding of how closely intertwined the fiscal and monetary policy outlooks are now. The fiscal mechanics of the APF unwind are in fact quite unstable if sentiment deteriorates sufficiently, and detailed reports of investor concerns would have been relayed to him prior to last Friday. But still they chose to pull the trigger.

What price that him, Truss and Andrew Bailey are all still in their jobs in six months’ time?
He was unbelievably incompetent as the energy minister, he did not have a fucking clue what he was talking about. How the fuck have we managed to end up with such a group of incompetents running the country.

Trus will be under unbelievable pressure as she tries to emulate Thacher by being the hard woman, something she will fail at in weeks, she does not have any depth of experience or competence around her... take Chloe Smith this morning, each and every one of them is totally out of their depth.

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