The Conservative Party

Oh the fucking irony. You've forgotten the last Labour government's parting note, clearly.

By the way, I think the budget was economically pretty good and in some ways, I admire Truss for having the balls to go with it.

BUT, and it's a HUGE but... I think it was politically idiotic. As I've stated, I could not give a toss about bankers bonuses, but removing the cap, LOOKS bad. Ditto lowering the top rate of tax, again it LOOKS bad. She should have used the money to give the poorest a couple of grand off their heating bills and maybe 2p off the basic rate of tax. That would have been just as effective as a stimulus to the economy, but instead she's given Labour all the ammo to beat up the Tories with the usual complaints.

I think barring miracles - like the war in Ukraine ending damned soon and their being a massive upswing in confidence and the economic outlook - then the Tories will get kicked out as a result of this at the next general election. The red wall won't vote for them again, which clearly from a Tory perspective is a right fucking balls up.
"There's no money left."

What note will the vermin leave? "There's no money left and no-one will lend us any more."
Like I said.... they are unelectable, any party that votes for Corbyn as leader is electable IMO, and they are the same people in the party now as they were then when Jezza was the main man!
You could equally say that any party that voted for Johnson or Truss as leader is unelectable but they won in 2019.

And the Labour front bench has changed significantly since Corbyn was leader. McDonnell and Long-Bailey are gone as are several others.
I think you’ve forgotten the huge bailouts that stopped some of the banks going bust in 2008. That was using public money ultimately provided by you, me and every taxpayer. That gives us a say in how banks conduct their business because if the same thing happens again we will be bailing them out again. If a football club runs out of money it goes bust so it’s rightly down to them how much they pay their employees.
Be fair. Sheik Mansour made a few bob bailing out Barclays.
The only reason they are possibly electable is down to the fact the Conservatives are equally unelectable so I agree with your proposition.

But my god, what a shit state of affairs we have in our country today, just how low will the bar go?
The old adage;
Oppositions don’t win elections - governments lose them.
Highly unlikely that they will fall in the foreseeable future. CPI may fall a bit but prices for food etc are already embedded and are unlikely to fall to levels we are used to. Also as mortgage and inevitable rent rises kick in then CPIH will continue to be high.
The double figure inflation figure may not be permanent but the prices will still be more than 10% higher than they were.
Dictionary definition: "Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism, controlling all industry and commerce, and promoting nationalism and often racism."

Who is the dictator?
What opposition is being forcefully or violently suppressed?
What moves have the government taken to control industry?
And what nationalism or even racism have they shown?

Sorry but you seem be confusing the Tories with Putin.
No I am not mate. Putin is where it ends unless you stop it. Oligarchy being given tax breaks. They are evil.
No I am not mate. Putin is where it ends unless you stop it. Oligarchy being given tax breaks. They are evil.
They are evil.
Some of them aren’t that evil, some are.
Some of them are already fascists, some are not yet.
But what they all are is enablers.
They create conditions for things to prosper, without getting their own hands dirty.
He was unbelievably incompetent as the energy minister, he did not have a fucking clue what he was talking about. How the fuck have we managed to end up with such a group of incompetents running the country.

Trus will be under unbelievable pressure as she tries to emulate Thacher by being the hard woman, something she will fail at in weeks, she does not have any depth of experience or competence around her... take Chloe Smith this morning, each and every one of them is totally out of their depth.
They are all out of their depth, and I can’t really see anyway out for them, other than Truss being kicked out sometime early next year.

After today’s statements from Kwarteng and the Bank, they’ve put themselves under incredible pressure at the first opportunity - all unnecessarily of course - and it’s still a hell of a long way from the November MPC meeting. I’m sure they’ll be another run on the pound in the next few days and people will be taking on the Bank’s resolve.

The problem I have is trying to fathom what the clowns will do next. Thinking rationally, I couldn’t for the live of me see why they would even consider Truss as PM, and I couldn’t believe what they did on Friday, all coming so soon after the utility price commitment.

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