The Conservative Party

and so we get there - destination X - a place where a qualified GP will no longer be the one to diagnose you and sign you off sick it will be someone at the local benefits office who will decide whether you qualify as sick ............ fucking mad posturing

I am not some tory twat.. But there is a problem with people taking the piss on sickies. There's genuine ones too, but the people taking the piss are the real problem, they spoil it for everyone else. We lose privileges because people take the piss (Certainly true in my current job). Not saying this is the right way to go about it, but its a result of piss takers.
and so we get there - destination X - a place where a qualified GP will no longer be the one to diagnose you and sign you off sick it will be someone at the local benefits office who will decide whether you qualify as sick ............ fucking mad posturing

I'd pay good money to see someone chin the ****.

In a nutshell, highly qualified doctors will now be prohibited from determining an individuals ability to work. Instead, the remit will be handed to a bureaucrat who doesn't know their arse from their elbow.

Just fuck off to the states already you loathsome twat. Go and take up your cushy consultancy role and don't come back.
On the subject of mental health, Sunak needs to get himself checked out as this is obviously a completely nuts idea.

A "war on benefits" might be a headline grabber for a couple of days try and win over some of the right wingers who are leaving for Reform but it's not going to win him an election, so it's completely pointless.

More waffle than a Birds Eye factory this bloke.
I'd pay good money to see someone chin the ****.

In a nutshell, highly qualified doctors will now be prohibited from determining an individuals ability to work. Instead, the remit will be handed to a bureaucrat who doesn't know their arse from their elbow.

Just fuck off to the states already you loathsome twat. Go and take up your cushy consultancy role and don't come back.
He's just digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole and losing more and more of the centre ground needed to win an election with mental shit like this, it's actually really funny to watch.

Some lobbyist/SPAD will have come up with this idea and he's too shit a politician to realise how stupid it is.

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