The Conservative Party

All that needs to happen is that Labour voters who fist pump for a hobby get behind him, but when he gets in it wont last long because it wont be the RW press attacking him it's his own bloody members he needs to watch out for.
I am not so sure. He has at least steadied the Labour ship. The RW media are already trying to do their thing with labour. Of course they'll attack Labour, they will lie, set traps, bug, all the shit... Because that what both sides of the media do. Surely?
I am not some tory twat.. But there is a problem with people taking the piss on sickies. There's genuine ones too, but the people taking the piss are the real problem, they spoil it for everyone else. We lose privileges because people take the piss (Certainly true in my current job). Not saying this is the right way to go about it, but its a result of piss takers.

There are a tiny minority who take the piss - however look how the hospital waiting lists have grown, look at the headlines about how certain meds are hard if not impossible to get, the collapse in the provision of mental health treatments, the collapse of social care so people have to be at home to care for sick and elderly people the state has abandoned then ask yourself why - I am afraid you are falling for their trick.
Todays the day that you will lose your rights to sickness benefits and have to attend Work Capability Assessments as the Conservative war on the weakest in society continues unabated.
I was disgusted to hear his attack on pips claimants , why do we need monthly payments , to get what we need is free on the nhs or low cost so that should be that , has he ever tried to adapt your home , buy a wheelchair etc , disgusting **** , i fucking hate the tosser . People play the pips system and we need more proof from drs , my dr used to write me a letter but always said they chuck them away as they are only interested in what you right on the form

There own figures from the entire welfare system including mistakes made by the dwp is 0.7% -0.8%, the fraud is fucking tiny but he wants to use that to take money from sick and disabled people , it is really hard to get pips as it is

Fucking furious
There are a tiny minority who take the piss - however look how the hospital waiting lists have grown, look at the headlines about how certain meds are hard if not impossible to get, the collapse in the provision of mental health treatments, the collapse of social care so people have to be at home to care for sick and elderly people the state has abandoned then ask yourself why - I am afraid you are falling for their trick.
They are a tiny minority. Where I work that tiny minority have impacted how sickness benefit works for all of us. It's not falling for tricks whatever they are, it's just a lifetime of seeing it for myself.

Sorry. I am not some heartless - fuck the working man twat. But it is there. People do take the piss, and employers use that to take the piss even more. Anyway say what you want I won't reply, it's just not a popular thing to say.
He's just digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole and losing more and more of the centre ground needed to win an election with mental shit like this, it's actually really funny to watch.

Some lobbyist/SPAD will have come up with this idea and he's too shit a politician to realise how stupid it is.
He's also too divorced from reality to realise how stupid it is.
I am not so sure. He has at least steadied the Labour ship. The RW media are already trying to do their thing with labour. Of course they'll attack Labour, they will lie, set traps, bug, all the shit... Because that what both sides of the media do. Surely?

You expect it from your opponents, but you shouldn't eat your own mate.
They are a tiny minority. Where I work that tiny minority have impacted how sickness benefit works for all of us. It's not falling for tricks whatever they are, it's just a lifetime of seeing it for myself.

Sorry. I am not some heartless - fuck the working man twat. But it is there. People do take the piss, and employers use that to take the piss even more. Anyway say what you want I won't reply, it's just not a popular thing to say.
It’s not a popular thing to say - especially on here - but the problem is now so bad that it can’t be ignored.

There won’t be any votes in it for Sunak but when you look at the numbers of people any government would need to tackle it, and that includes the next one as well.

The system has to be fair and that includes being fair to the people who do go out to work to pay for it all.
It’s not a popular thing to say - especially on here - but the problem is now so bad that it can’t be ignored.

There won’t be any votes in it for Sunak but when you look at the numbers of people any government would need to tackle it, and that includes the next one as well.

The system has to be fair and that includes being fair to the people who do go out to work to pay for it all.
All this will do is sanction the people who actually need the money.

The tiny subset of people that do fleece the system will continue to do so.

It’ll kill disabled people and save the country pennies.

It’s what these clampdowns always do.

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