The Conservative Party

32% turnout. Should be asking why this is a legitimate mandate when strike action requires 50%.

FPTP system pure and simple. If you have different standards and rules from different polls you roll with the punches end of. What should worry the Tories is that part of their election strategy seems to revolve around a low turnout favouring them............... doesn't appear that will work
The Labour vote increased by 10%, the tory vote deceased by a little more as some of the more extreme voted for the Reform party, but by and large, it was the tories that took a kicking in the election as their share of the vote decreased by a significant margin.

Yes, it was a by-election in a traditional Labour heartland when by-election turnouts are usually low, but the tories have been battered in every by-election they have contested since the last General Election. Voting intentions from those polled in surveys in recent days predict such a swing away from the tories they will be relegated into third place, and the SNP will become leaders of the opposition.

Labour will have so many MP's, something like 500, it will be standing room only for them as they survey the wastelands of the opposition benches before them.

There is two years of suffering before we can enjoy the moment, but what's great about it is the current government are so thick and politically useless they haven't got a clue how to stop it.
It's only news when a day goes by without those fucking parasites not involved in scandal

To be fair, with the rise of social media it’s something we’re going to have to get used too under any Government

Labour will be getting the same sort of scandal stories when they’re in power
To be fair, with the rise of social media it’s something we’re going to have to get used too under any Government

Labour will be getting the same sort of scandal stories when they’re in power
More allthesamery.

It's the last refuge of a scoundrel. "It's not just me..."

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