The Conservative Party

End of term, so time to slip out some reports.

That Chief Inspector of Borders who got fired a while back? His report details amongst other things that 275 visas were given out to a sponsoring care home that, erm, doesn't exist.
1 compliance officer for every 1600 employers who can sponsor [EDITED from original 100].

2019 manifesto pledge to introduce bottle deposits? Already bounced to 2025, not Barclay says that's not realistic, how about 2027!

Healthy Start programme to let poorer families buy vitamins/healthy food? Erm, sorry, we underestimated the numbers eligible, and therefore overestimated the uptake.

2021 - govt announce support for overseas fossil fuel projects will be only in exceptional circumstances. 134 times, and 747 million quid of exceptions (about 1% of overseas aid, I think).
Ministers didn't need to approve them and weren't aware.

Hospital patients going to care homes won't get a routine covid test on leaving, unless they show symptoms. Comes in on Monday.

Gender pay gap grew from 6.77% in 21/22 to 8.09% in 22/23.

I'm not for one minute expecting there to be a change to this Bad News Day policy after an election, but that's a busy day.
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63 of the bastards stepping down at the next GE ( AND GROWING ) they know they are fucked and won't face the medicine on Election Day. Of course as a sitting MP there is a recognition factor that can help your party retain seats even in adverse circumstances. None of that 63 give a flying fuck for their Party. Cowards. The longer he hangs on the nearer Sunak gets to 100 standing down and total and utter humiliation.
"So what can you bring to the role of Deputy party chairman Mr Gullis?"

" I can say all the stuff the PM can't because I'm a working class Tory. Also I do like to sound like a constipated Afghan whilst in parliament supporting the front bench."

"You've got the job."
The people or the dog?
we are filling in potholes. Watched a YouTuber last night travelling across Spain on their High Speed Rail at 185mph on smooth tracks in a prebooked seat ( airline style ) and a prebooked meal. Daughter is in Poland right now. She travels a lot by train as she can't drive. She is amazed that travel by train between Krakow and Warsaw was punctual, clean and cheap. Main difference? Our trains are owned and run by fucking spivs.

63 of the bastards stepping down at the next GE ( AND GROWING ) they know they are fucked and won't face the medicine on Election Day. Of course as a sitting MP there is a recognition factor that can help your party retain seats even in adverse circumstances. None of that 63 give a flying fuck for their Party. Cowards. The longer he hangs on the nearer Sunak gets to 100 standing down and total and utter humiliation.
Wonder if you government or similar could do analysis on those 63 areas and see how many are way behind in the polls and are jumping ship so they don't have to lose. I suspect it's the vast majority.

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