The Conservative Party

For all her many faults, I think Thatcher was a pretty honest person, and more capable of introspection than those Tory PMs that have followed Cameron (although less than John Major on both counts I would say).

I did wonder a few days ago if she could cast her eyes upon the dysfunctional mess that we are now burdened with as a nation from much of her privatisation, the most egregious unquestionably being the water companies, not least because it was arguably the least justifiable given the manifest lack of choice available to consumers, and the impact they are having in on the environment (something she appeared to care about more than any of her successors) and whether she would accept the terrible mistake she made.

To me it encapsulates how capitalism is no longer working for the common good, as I feel it once was. At least not in this country.
For all her many faults, I think Thatcher was a pretty honest person, and more capable of introspection than those Tory PMs that have followed Cameron (although less than John Major on both counts I would say).

I did wonder a few days ago if she could cast her eyes upon the dysfunctional mess that we are now burdened with as a nation from much of her privatisation, the most egregious unquestionably being the water companies, not least because it was arguably the least justifiable given the manifest lack of choice available to consumers, and the impact they are having in on the environment (something she appeared to care about more than any of her successors) and whether she would accept the terrible mistake she made.

To me it encapsulates how capitalism is no longer working for the common good, as I feel it once was. At least not in this country.

I am wholly prepared to be believe that in Thatcher's case she didn't factor in the way the financial markets and actors within them would evolve. Did she envisage the rise and business model of a Macquarie Group? I suspect not or if she did she probably though she could 'sort them out'. In this I would give her the benefit of the doubt, though I absolutely would not to some of those advising her. Her zeal came with a degree of gullibility.

This I think is at the heart of our challenge, people bang on about the efficiency of the private sector versus the public which having work extensively with both I think is mostly bollocks. Where the private sector really runs rings around the public domain is in the ability of their leaders to pursue their own respective agendas. The version of capitalism we see in many countries now is one increasingly decided upon and controlled by oligarchy, imo we are sliding or maybe have slid into a slightly more subtlely presented version of this.
In short, capitalism has run rogue. This is sowing the seeds of revolution. It will lead, at some point, to the fall of capitalism.

There used to be an unspoken bargain. (Most people are not all that greedy.) The bargain was, to work (reasonably) hard. In return, you will have a house and the stuff that goes with it, a small car, and a holiday once a year. (Maybe twice.) Your children will be educated and all your health needs will be cared for. (We recognise these latter things are in our mutual interest anyway.) You will have a reasonable pension in old age. You will be secure until you die. You might even have a few shares or something like that.

The majority were happy with this. Well happy.

This bargain has been broken for an increasing proportion of society. Even getting a house, whether buying or renting, is becoming a stretch for many. So they no longer have a stake in society. Naturally, they are starting to say 'fuck it'. They can see that almost all the wealth is being concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority. At least, the educated ones can. The less educated are led to believe (by the Daily Mail and similar outlets) that it's all the fault of immigrants, the EU and lefties. Herein lies the danger, and I would not underestimate that danger.

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