The Conservative Party

I don't like to say these things about a women but she comes across as a bit of **** tbh.

Her whole speech was pretty much bollocks, .Gordon Gekko might sue for copyright though because even though she never actually said greed is good it was pretty much the message.
On the contrary, I think only she or Generic give the Tories any hope.

Last election remember Labour got 33% of the votes and only 20% of those eligible to vote, voted for them. They polled less votes than Corbyn managed. Let that sink in for a moment. Jeremy Corbyn and his self-admitted Marxist mate McDonnell managed to get more votes than Starmer, even after all the subsequent Tory sleeze and economic pains. That is a shocking lack of endorsement and mandate for Starmer.

And yet, he has a stonking great big majority. Why? Simply because - and only because - the right wing vote was split. The Tories and Reform combined, polled more votes than Labour managed.

The very unfortunate truth for the Tories is that unless something changes to get would be Reform voters to vote Tory, then Labour would win again in 2029.

This is the Tories' challenge. How to get back the Reform votes. And yet we have that idiot Tugendhat saying the Tories must not turn into Reform?!??

The reality is most people in the UK are centre right in their views. It's been that way for a long time, else the Tories would not have been in for 14 years. (Blair only got in by moving towards the right.) And most people in this country are worried about the effects of mass immigration.

The parties on the right need to unite to form a single offering to the public which commits to control immigration and paints a picture of low taxes, lower regulation and lower government interference and strong public services funded by strong growth. If they remain divided they are doomed. Badenoch is arguably the only candidate who can pull this off.

Not sure I’d agree with that, you’re forgetting how many votes and seats they lost to the Lib Dem’s.

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