The COUNTING Banner at the Swamp


Well-Known Member
2 Jan 2009
I caught a bit of that programme on GMR on a Wednesday about the rags last week on the way to the Arsenal game as wanted to listen to the build up to our match.

Near the end, they said there was something about a competition to pick the colour of the new banner that is going on the Stretford End.

Does this sugest that they are expecting us to break our wait for a trophy and already designing the replacement. Wouldn't surprise me if it goes up quite soon so that they can say they always had it planned to change it rather than have to when we win something soon.
They are changing is to a "Please city, get us out of the shit, a billion should do it" banner. To which we'l reply, Fuck off you bastards
to be fair it was a brilliantly conceived banner especially the fact they put a zero in front of the 3 and 5?
Can anybody get hold of one of the big novelty cheques they use for lottery wins and stuff?? Id love to wave that about infront of the scum at the semi's. Could put £0.01 on it, from man city
CTID1988 said:
Can anybody get hold of one of the big novelty cheques they use for lottery wins and stuff?? Id love to wave that about infront of the scum at the semi's. Could put £0.01 on it, from man city
that,s a top idea,lets all get one
How about a banner over 110/111 ticking round from 99 to 100 to celebrate the imminent centenary of a rag-free Manchester? Come on Alliance boys, get on it! All together now, '99 years without red in our town, 99 City years'

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