The country is going to the dogs.

But they are not random unconnected events. They demonstrate an absolute crisis of confidence in the key institutions, be it the banks, the church, the police, government, the royal family. You name it they have all been badly tarnished. When these instutions have lost all their moral authority it is not suprising that some people are acting in the way we have seen over the last few days.

It's not hard to see why people who feel they have no stake in society and see the key institutions not bothering to obey the law would act in this way
southaustralianblue said:
But they are not random unconnected events. They demonstrate an absolute crisis of confidence in the key institutions, be it the banks, the church, the police, government, the royal family. You name it they have all been badly tarnished. When these instutions have lost all their moral authority it is not suprising that some people are acting in the way we have seen over the last few days.

It's not hard to see why people who feel they have no stake in society and see the key institutions not bothering to obey the law would act in this way

All that and a couple of £400 lappies from curries
southaustralianblue said:
But they are not random unconnected events. They demonstrate an absolute crisis of confidence in the key institutions, be it the banks, the church, the police, government, the royal family. You name it they have all been badly tarnished. When these instutions have lost all their moral authority it is not suprising that some people are acting in the way we have seen over the last few days.

It's not hard to see why people who feel they have no stake in society and see the key institutions not bothering to obey the law would act in this way

Bang on, which is why we need the army in, not to put the boot in but because they are the only members of society that may garner the respect of young people enough not to have petrol bombs launched at them anyways. The police right now are the thing thats seems to sparking violence.
How convenient....the people who are tasked with stopping the violence are the cause of the problem!?! MY ARSE!

So, some guy got shot by the police and THIS is an excuse for burning down buildings, beating up passers-by on the street and robbing them, torching vehicles, looting like its going out of style, and everything else that's going on?! GMAFB!

THIS is nothing more than an excuse to get something for nothing and terrorize people for free, without any real fear of repercussions. If my boy (13) wanted to go out after dark and get involved in any of this bullshit, he would get a good hiding when he came home (especially if he had any loot under his arm!) and would not see the sky for a while. Problem is, the kids have been led to believe they rule the world and can get away with almost anything.

This is one time when the rod need not be spared, but used with gusto and focus. Line up, make the announcement, and follow up with vigor. I would venture a good few boys in blue would relieve some of their own feelings of helplessness with a little turnaround on these yobs.

Set a deadline: Tomorrow 7pm. Anyone conducting any anti-social behavior thereafter will be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. You have been warned. Courts should be held open and they should be remanded in short order. Civil disobedience is one thing, peaceful marching is another, but rioting over something NO-ONE is clear about is an absolute disgrace looking for an excuse.
ChicagoBlue, firstly its awesome we have guys where i go regularly :) (milwaukee if you remember me via Chicago)

You are totally right and i could not agree more. Your view is refreshing. No i am not a right wing crazy or a lefty nutter but dead centre as you seem to be reading your posts.
We have a disease here though now and it seems to stem from apathy and detachment from society so some guys here seem reluctant to post their true views due to a few who would have such suggestions/views painted as racist somehow.

Be prepared for some detached people calling you a right wing nutcase who is no better than hitler mate.

Incidentally its this mentality that has fed the degredation of society, do not expect them to see this though.

When i get pulled in the usa i shit myself, here i think ffs get screwed i have done nothing wrong. I prefere the usa touch to an extent.
If you could weed out the nutters with a badge the mantra that you guys hold would be a world beater.
TCIB said:
ChicagoBlue, firstly its awesome we have guys where i go regularly :) (milwaukee if you remember me via Chicago)

You are totally right and i could not agree more. Your view is refreshing. No i am not a right wing crazy or a lefty nutter but dead centre as you seem to be reading your posts.
We have a disease here though now and it seems to stem from apathy and detachment from society so some guys here seem reluctant to post their true views due to a few who would have such suggestions/views painted as racist somehow.

Be prepared for some detached people calling you a right wing nutcase who is no better than hitler mate.

Incidentally its this mentality that has fed the degredation of society, do not expect them to see this though.

When i get pulled in the usa i shit myself, here i think ffs get screwed i have done nothing wrong. I prefere the usa touch to an extent.
If you could weed out the nutters with a badge the mantra that you guys hold would be a world beater.

Funny, because I am politically LEFT leaning, with a strong law and order bent, but am usually considered left wing by US standards. However, I am a gun owner (HK USP .40) and know how to use it (get certified every 6 months), but don't think it is the answer to everything. However, it is a great equalizer, especially when outnumbered!

As for running into 5-0 in the States, I have found that if you can AVOID THAT, it is better than the alternative! That said, even on a traffic stop, the gun is at the ready and you shoot to kill and ask questions later if confronted with deadly force. As I was taught....there are no warning shots!

Milwaukee...Chicago's ugly little sister! ;)

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