The David Makin interview


Well-Known Member
6 Dec 2007
Minding the gap
Saw this from the other thread but didnt want to hijack it.

I was too young to remember the David Makin interview but old enough to know who he was and what he did.

Anyone got a good recollection of the interview when he phoned GMR and what he said?
Not sure about the interview but I know Daves brother Martin very well..went to the semi and final with him

He took quite a loss on selling up to Thaksin..around 5 Mil by all accounts but took the hit for the good of the club

Top lad
markbmcfc said:
Saw this from the other thread but didnt want to hijack it.

I was too young to remember the David Makin interview but old enough to know who he was and what he did.

Anyone got a good recollection of the interview when he phoned GMR and what he said?

I've got a copy of it on my desk. Shall I scan it and put it on here? Very emotive reading...
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Saw this from the other thread but didnt want to hijack it.

I was too young to remember the David Makin interview but old enough to know who he was and what he did.

Anyone got a good recollection of the interview when he phoned GMR and what he said?

I've got a copy of it on my desk. Shall I scan it and put it on here? Very emotive reading...

Yes please?
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Saw this from the other thread but didnt want to hijack it.

I was too young to remember the David Makin interview but old enough to know who he was and what he did.

Anyone got a good recollection of the interview when he phoned GMR and what he said?

I've got a copy of it on my desk. Shall I scan it and put it on here? Very emotive reading...

Do you play it when you need the Churchillian inspiration? A call to arms perchance?
1_barry_conlon said:
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Saw this from the other thread but didnt want to hijack it.

I was too young to remember the David Makin interview but old enough to know who he was and what he did.

Anyone got a good recollection of the interview when he phoned GMR and what he said?

I've got a copy of it on my desk. Shall I scan it and put it on here? Very emotive reading...

Do you play it when you need the Churchillian inspiration? A call to arms perchance?

Haha, yeah barry. I know it off by heart.

"I've seen my arse with the chairman" is one of the more memorable lines. Can't imagine Marwood coming out with that, can you?

Got someone scanning it now (It's in the "Blue Moon Rising" book). Give me 5 minutes.
I remember that well and the emotion and hurt from him really summed up what it was like to be a City fan at that time.

Makin deserves real credit for where we are today. Without him I have no doubts we would have sunk to a depth where we would not have recovered..he was that crucial to us during that period!!

should be lifetime President of the club for me.
Here it is, scanned and "OCR"ed including a bit of text about the fallout from it. Ultimately it was the end for Franny.

“The reason I am not at the ground is that six months ago, or four
or five months ago, I saw my backside with the chairman. I think there a
massive chemistry problem within the club. I really do. He overrides everybody. He tries to be dominant. I am in business and I know if you haven’t got a happy workplace then there are problems. I don’t think City is a happy
workplace and, frankly, I think there is a problem. So everybody is looking at Frank. Yes, I’ll be honest, so am I. His tactics have left a hell of a lot to
be desired but, by the same rule, I think it’s upstairs and I think Francis should do us all a favour and live up to what he said [a reference to Lee’s
statement that he would get out within three years if City hadn’t won
“I get down like the best of the City fans and I’ve had enough. I will be doing my best in the next few weeks to remove the chairman because he is staying there and I don’t know whether he is bloody minded or stubborn. He is
being proud. If I was him I think I would put a moustache and a cap on
hide. I know there are people ready behind the scenes ready to take over I
not going into any detaiLs.
“It can happen — that’s for certain — and I think it should. I have seen
enough and I know the fans are hurt. I still go in the Kippax. I have been
near to tears with the best of them. The first thing I would do when Franny is
gone is to find the guy who has probably been barred for throwing his
season ticket away on the pitch and put him in the directors’ box. It sums up how
the fans feel.
“I own about ten per cent of the shares, or my missus does, because I was sick
of it, I just wanted to get out. I was just gutted. I know for a fact that there are people waiting to take over Manchester City. I am privileged to know that information. I just want to go on record as saying — because Lee
won’t listen himself and maybe this is a way of pushing things’ along, that I believe the chairman, !f he has any pride, should be walking away.
“There is no doubt that with the fan base they’ve got a chance of getting back to the top. But it is eroding, there is no doubt about it. My kids are in primary school. Where are not that many City fans. When I was in prmary school it was 50;50"

LEE WAS OUTRAGED. He knew he had made enemies during time as chairman, but this was unforgivable. “I thought it was disgusting what he did. The share price of JD Sports had just gone down by fifty per cent but I did not go on the radio and call him about the state of his business.”
Makin’s tirade certainly did the trick. The board’s façade of unity was destroyed. They were split down the middle and now everyone knew it. The following day, chief executive Mike Turner issued a statement from the, board as they struggled to regain their authority. It read: “We understand the fans’ frustrations and the manager is fully aware that the team’s performance has to improve to reflect the high expectations of our fans.” It was a thinly-veiled warning to Clark. The only problem was that nobody told him about it. The City boss was informed of its existence by the Manchester Evening News.
“I’d be grateful if someone would show me that statement. I didn’t know it was being made and I’ve not seen it. From what I’ve heard it doesn’t say anything new. I assume it was the powers that be trying to pour a bit of oil on troubled wa’ters but it would have been nice if someone had mentioned it. I think I know in the short term the results have got to improve,” said an aggrieved Clark, who was to confront his chairman over the matter.<br /><br />-- Wed May 25, 2011 10:59 am --<br /><br />There's also an interesting point in there about the erosion of our support, a process which we have not yet reversed in my opinion.

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