The Death Penalty.


Well-Known Member
13 May 2007
Does anyone think it should be bought back?

- I think it would ensure that overcrowding in prisons was not a problem.

- I think it would prevent crime through the fear they could become brown bread.

- I think in the case of murderers a life for a life is more than fair and in some cases it feels like a jail sentence, regardless of the amount of time they spend in there, is not enough. That would be considered justice by myself in a hypothetical situation if someone, god forbid, murdered a relative.

Agree? Disagree?
i am for it, but you would have to make sure the right guy was caught, as you can not just bring them back to life if they are proven innocent after all.
My main question would be do you bring it back for EVERY crime that resulted in someone's death?

The case of Ruth Ellis being an example. And Bentley.
It is not as simple as a life for a life, there are massive court battles to justify the right of the government to take someones life.
The whole legal systems a bloody joke, its set up for defence lawyers to make a fortune whether their clients obviously guilty or not. Capital punishment will never come back, probably more chance these days of you ending up in the shit for suggesting it. As soon as someone commits a really
serious crime now the whole system comes into play for him/her. Background reports, psychiatric reports, good behaviour reports etc, what
a load of shit. No-one giving a toss about the poor bastard on the receiving
Personally I would just make the prisons more like prisons and not decked out with playstations and plasma tellys with sky. Make the bastards suffer. At the moment some of them are living better lives in the prisons than they would if they were out
It wouldn't help overcrowding unless you are using for minor crimes!!

I think in the US there have probably been less than 500 people executed since we have had it, maybe more. Most being in Texas. So it hasn't really helped overcrowding.
Knight1979 said:
It wouldn't help overcrowding unless you are using for minor crimes!!

I think in the US there have probably been less than 500 people executed since we have had it, maybe more. Most being in Texas. So it hasn't really helped overcrowding.


I might be wrong here re the particular State etc etc but isn't there a Texan Prison Governor who has been particularly newsworthy for his refusal to kowtow to certain political groups when it comes to how he treats the inmates?
C_T_I_D said:
- I think it would prevent crime through the fear they could become brown bread.

But people don't commit crimes with the intention of getting caught. They commit crimes with the idea of getting away with it, so however strong the punishment is, they won't care. Suffering that punishment isn't part of the plan.

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