The Death Penalty.

Yes I would Mackenzie and that'd be for the simple reason that it'd send out a message - kill someone and you stand to be killed yourself. We need that tough stance on murder. It'd reduce knife crime I predict.

In terms of all these court cases, bollocks to the lot of them. The way I would run it is:

- You are entitled to a fair trial which shall be carried out.

- If there is sufficient and compelling evidence to prove you took another persons life, your life shall be taken in return with a relative of the murdered carrying out the death penalty upon you.

mcfc_ms, I agree wholeheartedly. Rather than putting them up for however many years rent free, chain them to the wall and release them to feed them and to keep them alive only.
C_T_I_D said:
Yes I would Mackenzie and that'd be for the simple reason that it'd send out a message - kill someone and you stand to be killed yourself. We need that tough stance on murder. It'd reduce knife crime I predict.

So, you would execute someone who was driven mad by physical abuse. Like Ruth Ellis? She deliberatley killed...she went to the pub and shot the bastid. I don't for one minute think that the violence was the sole reason she did it, but having a miscarriage after being kicked in the stomach is one of the reasons she was sent over the edge.

Would you execute her? Or were there mitigating circumstances that possibly allowed the fact that she was mentally unhinged by what he did to her?
mackenzie said:
Knight1979 said:
It wouldn't help overcrowding unless you are using for minor crimes!!

I think in the US there have probably been less than 500 people executed since we have had it, maybe more. Most being in Texas. So it hasn't really helped overcrowding.


I might be wrong here re the particular State etc etc but isn't there a Texan Prison Governor who has been particularly newsworthy for his refusal to kowtow to certain political groups when it comes to how he treats the inmates?

Sorry Mackenzie, can you clarify? Not sure if I know what your referring to
Death Penalty for the most extreme crimes

Stocks in market/town centre for petty crimes (maximum humiliation and exposure to the community of the culprit = big deterant)

Fingers chopped off for more serious thieving crimes (the same finger so everyone would know what you had done)

Genitals chopped off if you're a sex pest/peadophile/rapist.

No xbox/lcd tv's in prison.

Good starting points imo.
Knight1979 said:
mackenzie said:
Knight1979 said:
It wouldn't help overcrowding unless you are using for minor crimes!!

I think in the US there have probably been less than 500 people executed since we have had it, maybe more. Most being in Texas. So it hasn't really helped overcrowding.


I might be wrong here re the particular State etc etc but isn't there a Texan Prison Governor who has been particularly newsworthy for his refusal to kowtow to certain political groups when it comes to how he treats the inmates?

Sorry Mackenzie, can you clarify? Not sure if I know what your referring to
It was something someone sent to me via article about an American Prison Governor. It may not have been Texas though....sorry.
GStar said:
Death Penalty for the most extreme crimes

Stocks in market/town centre for petty crimes (maximum humiliation and exposure to the community of the culprit = big deterant)

Fingers chopped off for more serious thieving crimes (the same finger so everyone would know what you had done)

Genitals chopped off if you're a sex pest/peadophile/rapist.

No xbox/lcd tv's in prison.

Good starting points imo.

And what are the most "extreme crimes?"

By introducing something like that you are saying that one life is more valued than another.

I'm not being argumentative as such, just pointing out how difficult such a step would be if it was re introduced.
mackenzie said:
C_T_I_D said:
Yes I would Mackenzie and that'd be for the simple reason that it'd send out a message - kill someone and you stand to be killed yourself. We need that tough stance on murder. It'd reduce knife crime I predict.

So, you would execute someone who was driven mad by physical abuse. Like Ruth Ellis? She deliberatley killed...she went to the pub and shot the bastid. I don't for one minute think that the violence was the sole reason she did it, but having a miscarriage after being kicked in the stomach is one of the reasons she was sent over the edge.

Would you execute her? Or were there mitigating circumstances that possibly allowed the fact that she was mentally unhinged by what he did to her?

There's no room for sentiment in justice. She could have easily sought mental help.
mackenzie said:
And what are the most "extreme crimes?"

By introducing something like that you are saying that one life is more valued than another.

I'm not being argumentative as such, just pointing out how difficult such a step would be if it was re introduced.

I wont argue with that, its a very difficult line to draw. Common sense would have to play a role... too much grey area in the "Prove beyond a reasonable doubt" section of justice.

OJ Simpson's case is prime example, a minor oversight and a technicality and he is aquitted.

But serial killers, mudering rapists etc the most extreme and brutal crimes.

Although it would be up to judge and jury ultimately if 'lesser' crimes could be considered for the same punishment.

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