The Difference between us and a title winning side?

Didsbury Dave said:
mammutly said:
The only diffference between us and a Premiership title winning side is we haven't won one yet.

That's true in the sense that we need the deterimination, confidence and belief that comes with success.

But tonight and in other games this season I have seen that building.

Exactly. In seasons past we have never had that determination and belief - what Robinho so neatly called 'a winning mentality'. There has been too much about City that excuses 'the brave performance' or 'the good effort' in the face of defeat.

I remember people on here last season actually saying they were happy with (only) a 1 -0 loss to Chelsea.

To win a title, the team have to go into every match with not only a belief that they can win, but a solid determination that they actually will win.

The talk of 'taking something positive from a defeat' or 'learning from it' is not the talk of title contenders as much as the excuses of wannabes. We have the players now and we should expect to win.

If we can really keep that expectation going, then we can really be title contenders. That is what title winning sides do - keep on believing they will win until they eventually do. Like we will .......

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