The dissipation of creativity's adulation.

zangatangring said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
It is the hallmark of someone of intelligence that they can put their message across powerfully in plain, accessible English without feeling the need to resort to unnecessary and pretentious words.

Everyone likes to show of their vocabulary from time to time, but not to the point where it makes you look like a tit.

Sorry :-(. i guess i must be stupid then...

I don't think I actually said that now, did I?<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:04 pm --<br /><br />
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
So i'm right - the answer was creosote.
I fucking knew it was.
I just had to re-read Proust's A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu,check Sky Sports News and have a quick wank before I replied.
I hate this silly modern fetish for claiming that tacky,shite modern culture is tantamount to creative genius,because it just fucking isn't.
N-Dubz isn't fucking Shakespeare.
Kerry Katona is not Simone De Beauvoir.
And Damon Fucking Allbran is not fucking anything other than a talentless Mockney twat.
The next person who suggests to me that Jeffrey Archer is the Dostoyevsky of his age because he wrote about crime and punishment can suck on my cheesy bell end.
I have also just run out of Shiraz,so fuck the lot of you.

I always enjoy reading a Jeffrey Archer. It is, alongside 'Take Me Out', one of my guilty pleasures. But I agree he aint no Dostoyevsky. Although they've both been to prison and written about it too IIRC.

Someone had a go at me for saying that Barbara Cartland novels were aimed at fucking idiots,and they rightly pointed out that I had never read one.
So I did,and now I know they are aimed at fucking idiots.
I have no idea whatsoever what my point is here.
I am now drinking a bottle of Advocaat,and expect to be sick shortly.

Jeffrey Archer is a great story teller. Doesn't stretch your brain, but if you want something light to read on a 5 hour plane journey it's perfect.
zangatangring said:
I had a conversation with 3 extremely intelligent friends. The conversation spun around the way in which creativity is commended in modern times. They argued that creativity is not innate and is merely manipulated by the environment around you. While doing this, they vehemently expressed their discredit for creativity and didn't regard it as pertaining to any innate cranial abilitiy.

Has coporate oppression begun to have such a profound effect that stupid or ignorant people begin to assume this? Whereby people only credit cranial feats that correlate with academia? How stupid or ignorant do you have to be?

Yes, i spend much rumination over this phenomenon. In any modern human civilization, there is and always will be convergence when regarding this fact. It really infuriates me. It discredits some of the modern geniuses. I couldn't even fathom the fact that they in no way perceived the likes of say...

Hendrix, Thomas Bangalter, Guy de homem-christo, Mitch Hedberg, Lady Gaga, and Dave Chappelle.

as having immutable and intrinsic mental attributes. Does anyone else think this way?

Can't anyone see past the corporate attire they wear?

It's sad....

It seems we're are children of the world, forever hypnotized by the dictums of the movie of our own creation.

should i start another celebrity vote competition?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
zangatangring said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
It is the hallmark of someone of intelligence that they can put their message across powerfully in plain, accessible English without feeling the need to resort to unnecessary and pretentious words.

Everyone likes to show of their vocabulary from time to time, but not to the point where it makes you look like a tit.

Sorry :-(. i guess i must be stupid then...

I don't think I actually said that now, did I?

-- Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:04 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I always enjoy reading a Jeffrey Archer. It is, alongside 'Take Me Out', one of my guilty pleasures. But I agree he aint no Dostoyevsky. Although they've both been to prison and written about it too IIRC.

Someone had a go at me for saying that Barbara Cartland novels were aimed at fucking idiots,and they rightly pointed out that I had never read one.
So I did,and now I know they are aimed at fucking idiots.
I have no idea whatsoever what my point is here.
I am now drinking a bottle of Advocaat,and expect to be sick shortly.

Jeffrey Archer is a great story teller. Doesn't stretch your brain, but if you want something light to read on a 5 hour plane journey it's perfect.

The trouble started when he tried telling his stories to a Crown Court.
I prefer to do The Times crossword,a book of Sudoku's or two grams of ketamine and maybe the odd stewardess on a long flight.
Life is a learning curve.
And today's lesson was that Special Brew and apricot brandy definitely don't mix.
You are all cordially invited to join me at my local, The Sartre and Sisyphus, to discuss the merits of Wittgenstein over a schooner of sherry.
strongbowholic said:
You are all cordially invited to join me at my local, The Sartre and Sisyphus, to discuss the merits of Wittgenstein over a schooner of sherry.

Can we not converse al fresco in Birchfields Park over a case of Diamond White and mull over Rousseau and his impact on the Age of Enlightenment before having a mass wank and throwing each other in the duckpond?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
zangatangring said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Is the answer creosote?
Purely in my opinion,any revisionist wanker who seriously suggests that Lady Gaga is a latter day Mozart or Goya should be sauteed gently in a bain marie of their own urine to the point of death.

Thank you, a productive argument, kinda....

Well, my point is that there's no doubt that Lady Gaga where's brightly coloured corporate attire that we generally asscociate with corrupting the artistic world. However, there is some profound innate mental capacity that she has.

Ok, I concede that she may not quite be a modern day Mozart but she's got a talent that's not in between her legs nor below her chin.

So i'm right - the answer was creosote.
I fucking knew it was.
I just had to re-read Proust's A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu,check Sky Sports News and have a quick wank before I replied.
I hate this silly modern fetish for claiming that tacky,shite modern culture is tantamount to creative genius,because it just fucking isn't.
N-Dubz isn't fucking Shakespeare.
Kerry Katona is not Simone De Beauvoir.
And Damon Fucking Allbran is not fucking anything other than a talentless Mockney twat.
The next person who suggests to me that Jeffrey Archer is the Dostoyevsky of his age because he wrote about crime and punishment can suck on my cheesy bell end.
I have also just run out of Shiraz,so fuck the lot of you.

Hmmmmmm I wonder... falls into daydream...

Rescue, my blud of East London, rescue, rescue!
The Dappy enacts more wonders than a man,
Daring an opposite to every danger:
His ho is slain, and all alone he errr… wanks,
Seeking for hoes in the throat of soho.
Rescue, blud, or else the day is lost!

[Alarum. Enter DAPPY.]
A ho! a ho! My degenerate fucking life for a ho!

Hold on, my blud I'll help you to a ho.

End of daydream.

Ummm…perhaps you’re right.

Although I may never again, be able to read to 'Blow Blow thou winter wind', without Ndubz innuendo coming to mind.

zangatangring said:
I had a conversation with 3 extremely intelligent friends. The conversation spun around the way in which creativity is commended in modern times. They argued that creativity is not innate and is merely manipulated by the environment around you. While doing this, they vehemently expressed their discredit for creativity and didn't regard it as pertaining to any innate cranial abilitiy.

Has coporate oppression begun to have such a profound effect that stupid or ignorant people begin to assume this? Whereby people only credit cranial feats that correlate with academia? How stupid or ignorant do you have to be?

Yes, i spend much rumination over this phenomenon. In any modern human civilization, there is and always will be convergence when regarding this fact. It really infuriates me. It discredits some of the modern geniuses. I couldn't even fathom the fact that they in no way perceived the likes of say...

Hendrix, Thomas Bangalter, Guy de homem-christo, Mitch Hedberg, Lady Gaga, and Dave Chappelle.

as having immutable and intrinsic mental attributes. Does anyone else think this way?

Can't anyone see past the corporate attire they wear?

It's sad....

It seems we're are children of the world, forever hypnotized by the dictums of the movie of our own creation.

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
strongbowholic said:
You are all cordially invited to join me at my local, The Sartre and Sisyphus, to discuss the merits of Wittgenstein over a schooner of sherry.

Can we not converse al fresco in Birchfields Park over a case of Diamond White and mull over Rousseau and his impact on the Age of Enlightenment before having a mass wank and throwing each other in the duckpond?
I prefer to shout at the pigeons.

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