The Drugs Thread

Nicotine - Still use
Alcohol - Still use
Valium, temazes - now and again
Cocaine - now and again
Ecstacy - not for a while now
Ketamine - As above
Magic/MDMA - As above
Magic Mushrooms/ LSD - Not since the 90's
Heroin - Once
Crack Cocaine - A couple of times
Cannabis - Gave it up in 1997.
Whizz - Early 90's horrible drug

I've had a go at most shit drug wise but have neve been a drug addict unless I include tobbaco. Alcohol is the one now and that consists of all dayers on matchdays and 4 to 6 pints a few nights a week.

Also had a tablet once that made me as euphoric as ecstacy does and then I was tripping for 36 hours , when I asked what the fuck was that I was told Yaba and when I looked it up it is a slangname for Methanphetamine
Got a bit of a green problem,
Booze - Makes me so ill its untrue, I'm actually allergic to it now after being a heavy drinker
Love white,
Did a lot of trips - then had a shocker,
Mushrooms - bad first time - so avoid em now,
Whizz - ok back in the day, had some last year - angin
Ket, Brown and Crack - wouldn't go anywhere near
Diazepam last week for a neck problem Ive got - absolute wipeout!
used to smoke weed in school/college only have a bit of a joint if pissed doesnt appeal to me any more.

all my mates usedto do ket/acid and went through a period of doing xtc they have never appealed to me and i wouldnt do pills its too much of a risk (my best mates bro died)

i will have the odd line/key of coke if im pissed up.

but the come downs/hangovers are terrible, feeling rough as fuck atm an thats just from drinking all day yesterday.
A Northern Soul said:
Got a bit of a green problem,
Booze - Makes me so ill its untrue, I'm actually allergic to it now after being a heavy drinker
Love white,
Did a lot of trips - then had a shocker,
Mushrooms - bad first time - so avoid em now,
Whizz - ok back in the day, had some last year - angin
Ket, Brown and Crack - wouldn't go anywhere near
Diazepam last week for a neck problem Ive got - absolute wipeout!

First mushies i had did me for 3 days and i didn't go near them again for years. Much better the second time around.

Charlie is just shit full stop. Even when it's free.
johnny on the spot said:
blue wang said:
talkativesprout said:
Dependent on mood my wife shows both these traits and she very rarely touches any stimulants bar coffee / tea.

Drugs of choice in order of preference have to be E, Acid, Speed. Coke very overrated and price wise a shit deal. Not into downers of any kind (booze excluded).

Never tried codeine, whats the high like on that?

having a bonfire this weekend,with 2 of my mates his pops and two american birds. Young birds who will be doing acid for the first time !

starting to think this could go side ways, i think another frindly female figure might be necessary to guide them .a spiritual mother of sorts

its starting to sound twisted now,, but fuck its a beautiful thing....i am just going to be all hippy like ..peace and love how can anything go wrong?

Just get BBC Planet Earth on Blu-Ray. You will not go wrong.

i dont know man, i was thinking drums , fire , red indians naked people
Weed,MDMA,coke,speed,ket and mushys are the illegal ones I've tried and thought they were all ok as long as you control when and how much you take. Always wanted to try peyote but havent got the balls to be fair! Alcohol doesn't agree with me and I can't stand the taste of many alcoholic drinks. I had an injury last year in a crash and got 30mg codeines and 30 mg dihydrocodeines (400 of the fuckers) and fuck me they be strong, after 2 df 118's I fell asleep with my eyes open, very weird sensation, like being stoned but floaty light!!
Sven's Fluffer said:
I have a geeky drug question.

When purchasing;
Do people 'put to' as in put towards, or do they 'put two' as in put two sums of money together?

Good God I sound like someones Grandad. Its important to me to be grammatically correct herein you see.

Its as in 'put towards'
Did quiet a few things in my younger years incl E's, coke, etc. My favourite have always been the psychedelics. Really like acid and shrooms, but my favourites by far are ket and 2ci. I don't drink, so I figure I am allowed another vice to substitute.

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