The Ederson Santana de Moraes Appreciation Thread

Moss Side's Finest

Well-Known Member
3 Oct 2018
We are blessed to have a truly world-class, modern goalkeeper that was and is the catalyst for the team's style of football that has won us so much. He is peerless in so many aspects of his game, is a true team player and is by all accounts a fine human being. Long may his tenure at our club continue.

For me his best save of the season was against Lukaku in January at the Etihad. The way he closed the ground out so quickly on Lukaka towards the edge of the area before reaching out to his right to save the curling effort was outstanding.

Anyone else care to share their best Ederson moments?
He's been here five years, won the league four times and just got his third golden glove in a row. I'd guess he's played more than anyone else in that time. He's a phenomenon the likes of which we have never seen before and probably will never see again.

An unbelievable passer, a proper character, a genuine hard bastard who will throw himself in front of a train if it makes the mistake of getting between him and the ball and, more than anything, the results speak for themselves.

My favourite Ederson moment has been his entire City career. I already know I'll be telling my grandkids stories about him and that's pretty much the definition of a legend.
My favourite Ederson moment is the wolves game a few years ago when he ended up in midfield passing it about with Fernandinho.

Idiots don't appreciate what he brings to the team.
I wouldn't mind but the times he gets slated for not saving a goal are often goals that no keeper in the world would have saved.
All round “top” guy.

I think he understands the club and what City are all about and fits well within what has now become at last, a squad of measured and professional sportsmen (bar one or two).

He’s taken a bit of a tonking in the last half of the seasons when fans and pundits feel he could perhaps have done better with some of the goals conceded , but it can’t be easy being a distant spectator for most of the game?
Other keepers perhaps look like better shot stoppers , but only because their goal is constantly being peppered with shots all the time.
He’s played behind a fairly solid, but still catastrophe prone back four, so protection wise fairs well, but is brave, confident and hasn’t let us down.

As a ball player, he’s simply the best keeper in the world. So many long range passes from him have been breathtaking and often resulted in us scoring.Can’t fault the possession/build up part of his game either, even if sometimes he does leave us with our hearts in our mouths.

I’d love to see him take a penalty, or even have twenty minutes up front. I’m sure he’d be a handful.

We’re incredibly fortunate to have him in our ranks

Tattoo’s aren’t the best though ?
We are blessed to have a truly world-class, modern goalkeeper that was and is the catalyst for the team's style of football that has won us so much. He is peerless in so many aspects of his game, is a true team player and is by all accounts a fine human being. Long may his tenure at our club continue.

For me his best save of the season was against Lukaku in January at the Etihad. The way he closed the ground out so quickly on Lukaka towards the edge of the area before reaching out to his right to save the curling effort was outstanding.

Anyone else care to share their best Ederson moments?
Towards the end of the game this season at Villa away, 2-1 up after Bernie's wonder goal, Villa one-on-one chance to equalise.. step up Ederson, three points instead of just the one, thank you very much..

Any muppet on here criticising or trolling Eddie needs sectioning.

I said elsewhere yesterday that I've seen every City keeper since Bert Trautmann and Ederson is the best of the lot, bar none. End of.

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