The fan who jumped on Haaland

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They weren’t put up after the Brennan Johnson, Grealish or Chris Kirkland incidents.

Fans would just jump over the fences if they wanted to get on the pitch anyway. Fans go on the pitch in Germany all the time and they have fences.
Fences would spoil the view for thousands of fans but they would at least reduce the number of people doing this. Obviously it wouldn't completely stop anyone who is a total dick head.

But if it was my son playing out there and the trend was that more people were invading the pitch then I'd be all for fences.

Supporters are meant to be there to support... not to get their moment of fame.

This guy could be the loveliest person in the world but he should get a lengthy ban.
It was embarrassing and unacceptable.

Making excuses for it ("good lad", "moment of passion", "Haaland didn't seem to mind") is poor.
it was embarrassing and unacceptable ,aww bless , it was a spur of the moment quite funny incident, that everyone involved seemed to enjoy, we all don't want the sterile football that's happening, abit of player fan interaction is good for the soul as long as its done in the right manner. i mean what actual harm was done.
it was embarrassing and unacceptable ,aww bless , it was a spur of the moment quite funny incident, that everyone involved seemed to enjoy, we all don't want the sterile football that's happening, abit of player fan interaction is good for the soul as long as its done in the right manner. i mean what actual harm was done.
Would you say the same if we find out this week that Haaland is out with a neck problem?

(Not that he would be but stranger things have happened)
what a pillock to hurl his 15 stones on to Haalands back and then put him in a head lock. By all means run on the pitch if haven’t got any self control and don’t mind being thrown out, but keep your hands off our £200million Norwegian!
I was about 6 seats away from him, and he certainly didn’t look 15 stone, he did however look like former world champion boxer Terry Flanagan, might be worth telling him what a pillock he is to his face. Never met him but I know his dad and he’s a brilliant bloke and a brilliant Blue. Plus based on what sheff u were allowed to do to Erling I’d have hoped he would have been allowed to get away with it
it was embarrassing and unacceptable ,aww bless , it was a spur of the moment quite funny incident, that everyone involved seemed to enjoy, we all don't want the sterile football that's happening, abit of player fan interaction is good for the soul as long as its done in the right manner. i mean what actual harm was done.

Where do we draw the line, though? Presuming it's okay because Terry is a good local lad. Before we know it, you'd have overseas fans halting the play several times during a game to take selfies with the players.

The rules are clear. Anybody who enters the pitch gets a ban. We can all argue about this until we are blue in the face, but if you are prepared to break the rules, you have to be prepared to face the consequences. That is life.

A little bit different at Bournemouth away 6 years ago when Sterling scored the late winner. Loads of people spilled on and the cowardly coppers targeted one young lad and were rightly given a mouthful from Agüero.
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