the haka...

I enjoy it but they are very precious about it over here. By all means respect it when in NZ as they are laying down a challenge but when NZ are in another country then the other team should have a right of reply.

My favorite was from the League Final a few years back when the Aussies fronted right up to it and the Kiwis responded in kind......brilliant. Although a special mention to the Welsh and not walking away first when in Cardiff which just led to a stand off.

The All Blacks have 2 Haka's the main Ka Mate one and the Kapa o Pango. The latter is reserved for teams they have a great respect for/important game. The difference at this years world cup was that they lined up in an arrow formation, and they haven't explained the reason behind that yet.
Is that the Talk Talk haka.
I enjoy it but they are very precious about it over here. By all means respect it when in NZ as they are laying down a challenge but when NZ are in another country then the other team should have a right of reply.

My favorite was from the League Final a few years back when the Aussies fronted right up to it and the Kiwis responded in kind......brilliant. Although a special mention to the Welsh and not walking away first when in Cardiff which just led to a stand off.

The All Blacks have 2 Haka's the main Ka Mate one and the Kapa o Pango. The latter is reserved for teams they have a great respect for/important game. The difference at this years world cup was that they lined up in an arrow formation, and they haven't explained the reason behind that yet.
I was there when that happened. It was electric, a real spectators moment
I understand that and, quite often, they design a new one for a special event but I recall the same one being used for several years ..... and frankly, I missed it!!!
If they have new ones for different events, surely it's no longer a tradition. It's a daft thing to have before a game of rugby.
If they want to do their war dance, they shouldn't be allowed their national anthem and it shouldn't be the very last thing before kick off.
I remember seeing the All Blacks on their 74 & 78 tours (I'm very, very old, children...) and it wasn't nearly as confrontational as it is now. Then Buck Shelford's team came over, sometime in the 80's, and it was a far more menacing feature.
There's a nasty undertone to it now that has no place on a sports field.
I can't believe that this shit can be classed as a sport!

The guy in tights who plays Peter Pan at The Lowry has more talent than these cunts!
It's not. Wrestling is "sports entertainment" Watch Vince talk;

I think it's mint, watched it since childhood. Probably always will. Like City. No matter how shit it gets I'll keep going back for more.

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