The jealousy and bitterness continues

Electric Blue said:
Well said hammer, a few wks ago I registered on the Kumb site but have not had much time lately to post, imo you represent a proper london team who i think i would have supported if i was born there, good luck this season and thanks indirectly for Carlos T

Nice one mate. I'm so glad little Carlitos has signed for your lot, I can like him again now!
West Ham are true London in the way that we are true Manchester. So restecpa for that.

It's refreshing to hear fans who are looking forward to seeing what we will do in the coming season, instead of hating us because we got picked by ADUG and they didn't.

We all want to see the end to this top 4, and even though I believe we have the best chance of doing it, I would of been quite happy when we were languishing in the shit (not saying West Ham are) if a club destroyed the dominance. In fact I remember being very happy when you signed Carlos and his uglier Argie mate. Didn't think we would end up ahead of you that season any way!
UptonLark said:
I was banned from that site after I had a bit oif mild banter when we beat them home and away a few seasons back. There fans were, to a man, confrontational to an opposing fan to the extent that any opposition view was attacked.

Juxtaposition to this site where, although a lot less over the past 18 months, whenever I posted, I was welcomed and engaged in interesting articulate debate.

Its a common feature of Villa fans, I live in Birmingham now, to be overtly aggressive about their club and towards opposition fans. I call them the Tottenham of the north.

If you do get time, and hop over to ... despite the odd moron, (every club has them) the general consensus from West Ham fans is that you are deserving of success, that it is funny to watch Arseholes, Man Ure, Liverwhinge and Chelscum all getting uppity at the new boys on the block. We don't begrudge you you're money per se, we just don't like the obscene money in football these days (bit similar to many on here) but understand that to beat them, you have to join them.

Cheers Upton, I'll have a look on KUMB.
One of the most bitter is that knob Andy Jacobs on talksport.He is obsessed and cant see his own hypocricy,a Chelsea fan complaining about other clubs approaching their players.Maybe we should do it the Chelsea way and have secret meetings in hotels with players and agents without the other clubs knowledge .He talks absolute shite and his producers should have a word with him

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