The last time City were in a F.A. Cup Semi-Final

Top post! But in the near future I think these messages will be something like.

Last time I went to webley was last year and tiger woods 2012 wasnt even out on ps3 yet.
manclad said:
I drove to Villa Park in an Austin Mini Metro 1.0L.
No aircon,no,no CD player,not even a radio.
And petrol was about 50p a GALLON.

I had just bought a terraced house in Middleton Junction for £12,300.
And my mortgage was £10,000.(I can't remember what the monthly payments were but it seemed alot at the time).

If you wanted to see a bit of porn,you bought a copy of Fiesta or Escort.
Only well off people had a video recorder - I didn't get one until the following year.

No mobile phones or internet.My landline phone still had a dialling wheel - no push buttons.

If you wanted to find somewhere like Villa park you used a map or asked for directions(or followed other cars and coaches full of City fans).

Everything was paid for in cash(no debit cards)or for larger items a cheque was written out.And I still had £1 notes in my pocket as £1 coins came into circulation in 1983.

And lastly I was still a single man.I got married to my good lady wife on April 18th 1981 the week after we beat Ipswich Town.
Our 30th wedding anniversary is 2 days after we play United.

The world has certainly changed alot in the last 30 years.
My undying love for Manchester City Football Club has not.

Great post!

How many youngsters could navigate using an a map now-a-days? with mobile phones now and the £30 monthly bills also cable and sky packages of about £50 minimum! No wonder both parents work! 30 years ago it weren't the norm!
Electric Blue said:
I went and got nicked before the game, got fined £450 for threatening behaviour and spent the day locked in a cell with 15 pissd up blues

Jesus based in the ticket price that was the equivalent of about £5000. That is the only thing that hasn't gone up! Your fine now would be £60 with a caution!<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:06 am --<br /><br />Check out this video on YouTube:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ata_player</a>

Sent from my iPhone

We had a lot to thank Paul power for that year.
Will never forget the final with Spuds, I was 17 , had just past my driving test and owned a crappy sky blue Vauxhall Viva.
We had arranged to go down to Wembley at about 4 in the morning, 5 of us in a mates Saab, he had a few bob and was a year older, we were to meet at his house in Didsbury.
Well, me and my mate had gone out and copped off with 2 girls, didn't get to his house until 5 and with no mobiles around we couldn't get hold of him as he drove away and off to Wembley.
The next option was for me to drive down but I only had the clapped out Vauxhall Viva.
I was bladdered but asked my dad if I could borrow his car, waking him up at 6 in the morning, I was told to sod off, drive your own car...So off we went, me bladdered, my mate asleep without a ticket and both of us in need of a shower after a little rumpy pumpy with the girls we met!!
Anyhow, got to Wembley car park and within seconds my mate had a ticket off a tout for 10 dabs, a weeks wage!. Daft thing was he didn't ask any questions before buying it, how naive, anyhow he got in the City end eventually!
We had a great kickabout with the Spuds fans on the car park, about 500 a side with 10 balls, just an excuse to kick one another really!!
I remember that everybody just pissed on the terraces and there was a bout 3 inches of pee on the bottom stair, nice, well it was that or pee your pants!!
After the game it went off on the stairwell as we left the ground, I got slapped but clouted the Spuds fan who ended up at the bottom of the stairs, then there was the drive home.
I think I stopped at every service station for a coffee on the way home just to stay awake, but the trusty car I had driven twice before made it, christ did I need a sleep after that..........! and all we just an out of date map and tagging onto other blues in cars!!
manclad said:
I drove to Villa Park in an Austin Mini Metro 1.0L.
No aircon,no,no CD player,not even a radio.
And petrol was about 50p a GALLON.

I had just bought a terraced house in Middleton Junction for £12,300.
And my mortgage was £10,000.(I can't remember what the monthly payments were but it seemed alot at the time).

If you wanted to see a bit of porn,you bought a copy of Fiesta or Escort.
Only well off people had a video recorder - I didn't get one until the following year.

No mobile phones or internet.My landline phone still had a dialling wheel - no push buttons.

If you wanted to find somewhere like Villa park you used a map or asked for directions(or followed other cars and coaches full of City fans).

Everything was paid for in cash(no debit cards)or for larger items a cheque was written out.And I still had £1 notes in my pocket as £1 coins came into circulation in 1983.

And lastly I was still a single man.I got married to my good lady wife on April 18th 1981 the week after we beat Ipswich Town.
Our 30th wedding anniversary is 2 days after we play United.

The world has certainly changed alot in the last 30 years.
My undying love for Manchester City Football Club has not.

No aircon ??Tough times indeed..and as for no leccy windows..absolutely ancient. :)
How did we survive those dark days.
Great Post, went to every game that year including the final & replay, I was 16. If I remember rightly beat C palace & Norwich at home 4-0 & then 6-0, then Peterborough away.
Then it was Everton away, Paul Power got the last minute equaliser, beat them easily in the replay in front of 52,000. Then it was off to Villa Park for the semi against a very good Ipswich team. Again it was Paul Power with an extra time free kick and we were in the final. I remember city fans singing you'll never walk alone (we did in those days), and it was awesome. they showed the City fans a few weeks later in Match magazine a Villa Park, and there I was as clear as day, fame at last. Should of won the final, still don't know to this day what Tommy Hutch was thinking of, we murdered them in extra time but just couldn't score.
Happys Days, apart from the final replay.
samharris said:
manclad said:
I drove to Villa Park in an Austin Mini Metro 1.0L.
No aircon,no,no CD player,not even a radio.
And petrol was about 50p a GALLON.

I had just bought a terraced house in Middleton Junction for £12,300.
And my mortgage was £10,000.(I can't remember what the monthly payments were but it seemed alot at the time).

If you wanted to see a bit of porn,you bought a copy of Fiesta or Escort.
Only well off people had a video recorder - I didn't get one until the following year.

No mobile phones or internet.My landline phone still had a dialling wheel - no push buttons.

If you wanted to find somewhere like Villa park you used a map or asked for directions(or followed other cars and coaches full of City fans).

Everything was paid for in cash(no debit cards)or for larger items a cheque was written out.And I still had £1 notes in my pocket as £1 coins came into circulation in 1983.

And lastly I was still a single man.I got married to my good lady wife on April 18th 1981 the week after we beat Ipswich Town.
Our 30th wedding anniversary is 2 days after we play United.

The world has certainly changed alot in the last 30 years.
My undying love for Manchester City Football Club has not.

No aircon ??Tough times indeed..and as for no leccy windows..absolutely ancient. :)
How did we survive those dark days.

Having to find a 20% deposit for a house! Well I never.
manclad said:
I drove to Villa Park in an Austin Mini Metro 1.0L.
No aircon,no,no CD player,not even a radio.
And petrol was about 50p a GALLON.

I had just bought a terraced house in Middleton Junction for £12,300.
And my mortgage was £10,000.(I can't remember what the monthly payments were but it seemed alot at the time).

If you wanted to see a bit of porn,you bought a copy of Fiesta or Escort.
Only well off people had a video recorder - I didn't get one until the following year.

No mobile phones or internet.My landline phone still had a dialling wheel - no push buttons.

If you wanted to find somewhere like Villa park you used a map or asked for directions(or followed other cars and coaches full of City fans).

Everything was paid for in cash(no debit cards)or for larger items a cheque was written out.And I still had £1 notes in my pocket as £1 coins came into circulation in 1983.

And lastly I was still a single man.I got married to my good lady wife on April 18th 1981 the week after we beat Ipswich Town.
Our 30th wedding anniversary is 2 days after we play United.

The world has certainly changed alot in the last 30 years.
My undying love for Manchester City Football Club has not.

cold rush down the back of my neck - thanks!

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