I can't support hate speech laws as they're inherently political.
They're laws built on top of laws. Any act of hate speech worth noting is already breaking a different law. The problem with hate speech law is that it lacks strong and clear evidential guidelines from the CPS as it is badly written. Therefore there is no consistency and it is used in ridiculous cases such as these.
That's the logistical issue. Over the years my position on free speech has hardened to where I now am at the point of believing that unless somebody is LITERALLY endangering someone, not just "stirring up hate" then we need to let them speak.
We've become a society where people believe outrage is a viable strategy for debate and influence. We have to turn this around and only hearing more speech can do this.
This is my position.
It shouldn’t be for the state to tell us what we can or can not say unless we’re plotting or suggesting violence or other criminal activity such as theft, kidnapping or criminal damage etc.
We have to draw a line somewhere as the muddier the water gets, the worse freedom of speech will become and the more it will become a weapon to shutdown those people disagree with.