The Line - Saudi Arabia


Streets in the sky. There is a pic somewhere of a milk float on the umpteenth floor.
The four crescents were only about 7 floors high - duplexes, they’d call them, in a higher rent neighbourhood. My dad was on the job that built them. Damn near broke his heart, that and the Arndale Centre a few years later.

Mate of mine had a squat in William Kent Crescent in the late 80s. Hulme back then was like ‘Escape from New York’. Complete dystopian nightmare. Folk who lived there then liked it, because the Council had stopped collecting rent in about 1984.

I assumed this was some concept bollocks, but spoke to an engineer there in August who said it was 100% going ahead.

Probably easier to do under such an autocratic system compared to the governance onion we have. I doubt there were many planning objections...

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