The one stat...


Well-Known Member
12 May 2005
Royston Vasey
....that suggests that there is something not right, not legit, not clean about the Premier League and it's wonderful officials this season....

Forget the endless dubious penalties, the dodgy sending-off of rag opponents, the missing added time when winning, the mysterious extra time when losing, the clear offsides not given, the blatant penalties not given....

In 27 league appearances, Wayne Rooney has not been booked once.

That alone tells me the game stinks.
Got away with it again today too. He should have at least 8 yellows for dissent. Disgusting man.
yes,maybe they are favoured bu refs but we should stop's not Howard Webb's fault that we conceded 3 goals from sunderland and it's not atckinson's fault that we were beaten by Swansea.Play like we were playing in October and title is ours
It's shit like this going unpunished week in, week out that will taint this seasons title win, and is starting to turn people off top-level football.

nikatomcfc said:
yes,maybe they are favoured bu refs but we should stop's not Howard Webb's fault that we conceded 3 goals from sunderland and it's not atckinson's fault that we were beaten by Swansea.Play like we were playing in October and title is ours

But it's Mason's fault when he gives a ten minute penalty, sends the QPR man off and MANUre have 80 fucking minutes against ten for what should be their free kick! And it's Oliver's fault when he pisses over Fulham's efforts for 89 minutes and then decides a fucking rugby tackle on Murphy is a Crappenberg-esque coming together! Jeez!
nikatomcfc said:
yes,maybe they are favoured bu refs but we should stop's not Howard Webb's fault that we conceded 3 goals from sunderland and it's not atckinson's fault that we were beaten by Swansea.Play like we were playing in October and title is ours

I don't think you realize that no matter how good City play it will never be good enough to win the title. There isn't a team in the history of football that could overcome bullshit sending off/suspensions of top players, their players constantly getting mugged with little or no consequence, penalties given against and not given for and a chief title rival who ALWAYS get every decision to go their way. If City played better the refs would just give more penalties for the scum and send off players against them until they were playing 11 v 4.
No doubt once the title is safely secured, there'll be a few cards here and there for him to make the stats not look so obvious.
interpol said:
It's shit like this going unpunished week in, week out that will taint this seasons title win, and is starting to turn people off top-level football.


Unbelievable isn't it? I'd love one of the hordes of rags lurking or registered here to defend Rooney's latest "incident" being unpunished. When he's not cutting people down like that, he's screaming abuse from his uneducated chavvy scouse mouth that would get 95% of other players booked.
Why is there no mention of this two footed lunge (no where near the ball) in the media.

will the FA be taking a look into this and do the decent thing....

its a disgrace, I fully understand why people believe the game is riddled with corruption, whats the other explanation ??

I hav'nt heard one rag bastard come out and admit the embarrassment of the help they receive to gain extra points.... It appears the norm, if this happened to city I would hold my hands up
sale blue said:
Why is there no mention of this two footed lunge (no where near the ball) in the media.

will the FA be taking a look into this and do the decent thing....

its a disgrace, I fully understand why people believe the game is riddled with corruption, whats the other explanation ??

I hav'nt heard one rag bastard come out and admit the embarrassment of the help they receive to gain extra points.... It appears the norm, if this happened to city I would hold my hands up

Oh, they see it alright:

Off redcafe:


Clearly offside


Offside and a bit soft

That was a dive. And an offside.

My first thoughts are that it was a poor decision.
He was offside and he was very much a dive, urgh.

Awful decision all round, wish Young wouldn't go down so easy.


I've got to be honest and say that Young went down easily there. He was offside as well.

That's a fairly scandalous decision to be honest

Did it have to be red?

Sorry but that was fucking awful officiating all around there.

Not a penalty. Not a red. It was offside though.

Red card? What a horrible decision that is in so many ways.

What an embarrassing decision.

2 yards offside, he dived, and it was never a penalty, let alone a red card.

Game ruined

Right - so the list of problems with that decision are thus:

1) it was offside
2)it wasn't a penalty
3)Young wasn't booked for diving
4)it wasn't a red card given he was never getting to the ball.

Pathetic from Young. Im embarassed.

So offside and a dive.

The ref did recieve his packet this time.

I bet we will only hear about it whole match and next few days from every single one.

how the linesman didnt give an offside makes no sense, he had a perfect view, conspiracy!!!!

That was really poor refereeing.

that was pretty poor I have to say

I thought he was going to book Young for a dive.. That was incredibly harsh on QPR..

Oh dear, clearly offside, not a foul, not a red card. 1-0 but it feels a bit hollow tbh.

Yeah that was a terrible decision. Don't want to take the lead like that.

he needs to stop diving, we don't need to cheat to win

1) Offside
2) It isn't a foul
3) Not a red card

The ref and the linesman should go in the League 2 for the next weeks

Curiously, the ref seemed to have no doubt whatsoever that it was a penalty & a sending-off(?)

Not happy with that at all to be honest. Just seems wrong

Quite embarrassing this.

Unfortunately, those in the position to highlight it(media), for some strange reason choose to keep quiet about it. I wonder why.

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