The press are trying to turn us on the club!

Like I said, the conversation with a good friend about an hour ago who is close to club, I can only say that the relationship between bobby and almost all the players, well there wasn't one and its reflected in performances. Something had to give. I daren't say anymore. This not bullshit by the way.
you know what the media are like, the MOMENT we got investors and could mount a serious challenge to slur alex fungusmoan the darling of sky the writing was on the wall, how dare we make noise,how dare we win something thats not in skys manu-praised lavished-script, i dont know the ins and outs of whats gone on today, but i do know what the investors and bobby brought to me in the final seconds of a season NONE OF US will forget,,so let them aim at us, let them rip into us,do they matter? no.why dont they matter? BECAUSE WE ARE CITY,WE LOVE OUR TEAM AND WILL ALWAYS BE HERE, weve been down and they ripped us apart for that,now we aim higher at they rip us for that,bring it on, PRIDE IN BATTLE,we`re used to it
MSP said:
dom said:
MSP said:
Press are not at fault here at all... some people are just dumb as fuck and they don't need journos to tell them to prove that.

Just look at statement thread, bloody idiots fucking off the club and everyone behind it because their lovely manager got sacked. Morons.

A ludricous conflation of the key issues here
Your whole post just logically begs the original questions that you touch on

.. furthermore .. you do yourself no favours by throwing terms like 'Moron' around...

Let's be generous and suppose that you may have had a shandy too many ?????

I sure as as well hope so, because if you were sober , that post would look even more stupid

I'm impressed mate, do you have more of that stuff, I need it for research.

Now go to the statement thread and read fucking morons going as far as justifying Mancini's son saying that money can't buy you a class. As far as I'm concerned such can fook off, together with Mancini and his son.

Yup, but your response still reflects a conflation of the issues.

... Do 'I' have more of that stuff?' [sic]

Please explain your 'research' topic.. maybe I can help, as I teach/ supervise at uni...
dom said:
MSP said:
dom said:
A ludricous conflation of the key issues here
Your whole post just logically begs the original questions that you touch on

.. furthermore .. you do yourself no favours by throwing terms like 'Moron' around...

Let's be generous and suppose that you may have had a shandy too many ?????

I sure as as well hope so, because if you were sober , that post would look even more stupid

I'm impressed mate, do you have more of that stuff, I need it for research.

Now go to the statement thread and read fucking morons going as far as justifying Mancini's son saying that money can't buy you a class. As far as I'm concerned such can fook off, together with Mancini and his son.

Yup, but your reponse still reflects a conflation ogf the issues. Do 'I' have more of that stuff?

Please explain yout 'research' topic.. maybe I can help, as I teach/ supervise at uni...

You're boring mate and I'm as polite as I could be :)

Don't have an ounce of interest to read your attempts to leave some impression with usage of some smartarse terminology so spare me of that bs please :)
MSP said:
dom said:
MSP said:
I'm impressed mate, do you have more of that stuff, I need it for research.

Now go to the statement thread and read fucking morons going as far as justifying Mancini's son saying that money can't buy you a class. As far as I'm concerned such can fook off, together with Mancini and his son.

Yup, but your reponse still reflects a conflation ogf the issues. Do 'I' have more of that stuff?

Please explain yout 'research' topic.. maybe I can help, as I teach/ supervise at uni...

You're boring mate and I'm as polite as I could be :)

Don't have an ounce of interest to read your attempts to leave some impression with usage of some smartarse terminology so leave it to your students :)

meanwhile, back on the actual TOPIC....... (one bit of 'smartarse terminology' I try to avoid is calling folk 'morons')
Who cares? Its predictable.

We should all just get behind the new manager whoever that may be. The press have and will continue to make up negative stuff about us because it sells. When we sack the next manager in 5 years say, it will be the same. Why people are still listening to the crap the media write I don't know.
The press are hypocrites of the highest order but as long as fans continue to click on links, follow them on twitter and talk about them they will continue their agenda. Don't buy the papers or click on web links and cancel your sky subs, simples!

The press is run by powerful special interest groups at the top of the pyramid that has CHOSEN Manchester utd and anyone that stands in their way will be attacked by those groups through the press with negative speculation and news that stands to destabilize and ridicule the threat.

That is the whole point, to destabilize and mock Man city in order to stress their message of the club being a circus and worthy of contempt. We are the bad guys, that's the message they want to inject into the subconscious of the population.

And as I've always said (and people make fun of me and dismiss as usual) but Ill continue saying that the media is a powerful tool that shapes perspectives and views of the population and guards and controls the subconscious of the masses, including owners of clubs and it seems our owners have falling into the trap.

We should all open our minds and think for ourselves because that is the real freedom.
gone are the days of collective protests im affraid, the press can say what they want, the days of stood outside chanting sack the board are long gone, espec when they as rich as our owners. imo they were wrong, but thats life get on with it and support next manager when he arrives,until then we can woman among each other

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