The Psychological Cost of Football.


Well-Known Member
30 Sep 2016
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Just because I knew if Germany turned up, we were fucked, it was a hard watch. Not one of our players rose above a 1/10. Not one. We were totally outclassed.

It got me thinking. I’m like that. Nothing, for the afflicted, outwith family, close pals etc, can fuck you up like Football. If you have a national team like ours and a club team, that gets handed its arse in the CL, it can make you miserable, down, angry, frustrated, pissed the fucked off.

There is no doubt loving your team, national side, has a direct correlation with how good you feel. If you’re going through a bad patch, your team playing well can help, flip that and everything is worse by a margin.

I guess we are all used to it. We signed up for a game that, unless you are you cunts, can monumentally fuck up your shit.

A family wedding back in the 70’s, on the day of a Celtic v Rangers game happened. Both Bride and Groom were maniac Celtic fans. Celtic lost and both of them sat fucking miserable the whole day. The wedding photos are hilarious.

No matter how many times I can convince myself that I’m fucking done, I see them run out for the next game and I’m dragged right back in. Cunts.

I think that’s why we drink before and after games, during if on the telly, you can use the booze to make a win better and a loss more bearable. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Interesting thread.

93:20 or Wales qualifying for the Euros and the World Cup generally makes it worth it. The travel and the friendships.
That’s its trick. It gives you such highs, that you’re basically fucked, no matter how much we get pissed off, we are right back in up to our necks. No vaccine will ever be created to stop you caring. And, I wouldn't take it anyway.

That is it in a nutshell. Fucking willingly signing up for a rollercoaster of mostly downward trajectory, with the sadly regular massacres, in the hope we get there. I think it’s a condition that should be recognised. I’m not asking for compensation, but it’s not an outrageous demand. In my book at least.

After the treble I said to myself I am going to take a step back, try and be more balanced for the sake of my Mrs and kids.

That lasted the summer and as soon as the new season kicked off I was back and obsessed and whenever City weren't playing I was on here building up to the game!

This summer, unlike a lot of here, I will be putting my all into England instead. And then it's pre-season and we go again.

But wouldn't it be boring without it?! I'll never know.

The Scots were piss poor for what it's worth. Tactically it was abysmal. To allow Kroos the space to run the game the way he did was criminal and reminded me of Woy doing the same with Pirlo in the World Cup back in 2014.

After the treble I said to myself I am going to take a step back, try and be more balanced for the sake of my Mrs and kids.

That lasted the summer and as soon as the new season kicked off I was back and obsessed and whenever City weren't playing I was on here building up to the game!

This summer, unlike a lot of here, I will be putting my all into England instead. And then it's pre-season and we go again.

But wouldn't it be boring without it?! I'll never know.

The Scots were piss poor for what it's worth. Tactically it was abysmal. To allow Kroos the space to run the game the way he did was criminal and reminded me of Woy doing the same with Pirlo in the World Cup back in 2014.
Every single aspect of our game was horrendous. My sister texted me to say, it looks like Germany are playing a School
I totally agree Magic. When we lost away at Stoke for THAT relegation, I refused to leave the ground. The stewards couldn't shift me and if it wasn't for my two youngsters, then about 13yr old, I think I'd still be there. I was so low then and for ages after.
Drink got me through the 3rd division. I was determined to go home and away and let's face it, it was shit but i had to do it
On the opposite side, last season I was in Istanbul, world's apart but still mentally shattered. I was a mess. I nearly sacked City off because it was messing my head up that much.

We really are daft fuckers.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Been there too. But if I have learnt anything over the years it's that there is far, far more to life than football and the outcome of a football match. Life and everything in it is far too precious. Football dwarfs into insignificance by comparison.

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