The Psychological Cost of Football.

Your post reminds me of the time City got to its first semi final in ages - the 2010 league cup semi final v United.

After the first leg we were 2-1 up and celebrating and then got a phone call to say that my grandad (who’d been ill for a long time) had passed away shortly after the game. Naturally, we were all devastated but we thought it was very poignant that he got to see us beat them one last time.

Then the funeral date was set for the same day as the second leg so the family (all blues) could be together. It’s no exaggeration to say we thought it was pre-ordained that we were going to beat them. Then Wayne fucking Rooney went and scored that extra time goal. I felt sick. I’ve never in my life felt a loss as keenly as that. Inconsolable. Drowned my sorrows with about 8 pints of Guinness.

But then two years later we got 93:20 and, well, if that didn’t put a bit of extra relish on it. In that moment the despair I felt boomeranged two-fold into pure euphoria.

And that helped me learn that the highs really aren’t so high unless you have the lows to compare them against. It’s all part of the cycle mate, and it’s the kind of thing that makes life worth living.
Just because I knew if Germany turned up, we were fucked, it was a hard watch. Not one of our players rose above a 1/10. Not one. We were totally outclassed.

It got me thinking. I’m like that. Nothing, for the afflicted, outwith family, close pals etc, can fuck you up like Football. If you have a national team like ours and a club team, that gets handed its arse in the CL, it can make you miserable, down, angry, frustrated, pissed the fucked off.

There is no doubt loving your team, national side, has a direct correlation with how good you feel. If you’re going through a bad patch, your team playing well can help, flip that and everything is worse by a margin.

I guess we are all used to it. We signed up for a game that, unless you are you cunts, can monumentally fuck up your shit.

A family wedding back in the 70’s, on the day of a Celtic v Rangers game happened. Both Bride and Groom were maniac Celtic fans. Celtic lost and both of them sat fucking miserable the whole day. The wedding photos are hilarious.

No matter how many times I can convince myself that I’m fucking done, I see them run out for the next game and I’m dragged right back in. Cunts.

I think that’s why we drink before and after games, during if on the telly, you can use the booze to make a win better and a loss more bearable. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I'm nearly bastard 60 and I've been double pissed off about the cup final for weeks now. It sometimes keeps me awake at night.
I have far more real life serious shit to worry about, but I don't.
Last 6 weeks of treble season my wife said I changed completely. The happy go lucky hubby turned into "a fucking mentalist".
I told meself the other day that I was done with investing so much into the game but in reality I know I can't relegate myself to the not arsed couch no matter how hard I try.
Also, my dog has taken my big game uptightness on and also turns into a dickhead for crucial games.
Just because I knew if Germany turned up, we were fucked, it was a hard watch. Not one of our players rose above a 1/10. Not one. We were totally outclassed.

It got me thinking. I’m like that. Nothing, for the afflicted, outwith family, close pals etc, can fuck you up like Football. If you have a national team like ours and a club team, that gets handed its arse in the CL, it can make you miserable, down, angry, frustrated, pissed the fucked off.

There is no doubt loving your team, national side, has a direct correlation with how good you feel. If you’re going through a bad patch, your team playing well can help, flip that and everything is worse by a margin.

I guess we are all used to it. We signed up for a game that, unless you are you cunts, can monumentally fuck up your shit.

A family wedding back in the 70’s, on the day of a Celtic v Rangers game happened. Both Bride and Groom were maniac Celtic fans. Celtic lost and both of them sat fucking miserable the whole day. The wedding photos are hilarious.

No matter how many times I can convince myself that I’m fucking done, I see them run out for the next game and I’m dragged right back in. Cunts.

I think that’s why we drink before and after games, during if on the telly, you can use the booze to make a win better and a loss more bearable. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Cracking post.
When I was on my honeymoon in 2013 the FA Cup final fell on my birthday (11th May) and City were playing Wigan. I was utterly convinced it was going to be the perfect day for me - with the love of my life, beautiful hotel, win the final etc. What followed absolutely crushed me and ruined the remaining 10 days of my honeymoon. I had a face like a **** and just couldn’t get past it.
Watching England has never had the same impact on me but if City lose a really important game like that I really can’t cope with it. So many times I’ve said “that’s it - I can’t put myself through this” but my love of this club reels me back in for more.
I guess that’s why we have alcohol :)
I'm nearly bastard 60 and I've been double pissed off about the cup final for weeks now. It sometimes keeps me awake at night.
I have far more real life serious shit to worry about, but I don't.
Last 6 weeks of treble season my wife said I changed completely. The happy go lucky hubby turned into "a fucking mentalist".
I told meself the other day that I was done with investing so much into the game but in reality I know I can't relegate myself to the not arsed couch no matter how hard I try.
Also, my dog has taken my big game uptightness on and also turns into a dickhead for crucial games.
Yes totally get that mate 100% stoner,
You get Christmas over then we go on full on you get Jan February and March done see where we are in the cups , then the prem ? It takes over your looking at every scrap what gets us over the line , it’s not enjoyable it’s quite horrible and too intense, but would we change it no would we fook.
I take the dogs out after every match seriously, and come back feeling better.

Enjoy your summer everyone where ever it takes you , wear those city tops with pride
4 on the bounce remind the haters .

Up the blues.
as ive always said football has the best marketing in the world and makes gamblers of all of us, in what other event could you get people to part with hundreds sometimes thousands of pounds knowing that there is a chance that it could make you absolutely bloody miserable for days after and like most people have said on here even when it does you go right back next week and do it all again , i bet a good number on here when we were shit said at the end of every season right thats it for me im not doing this shit again, im not renewing this time, no more and even as you said it you knew damn well that you were coming back next season and i think as someone else here has put it is because even when we were shit we were going through it together and it kept you going because maybe just maybe next time would be different.

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