The Reckoning

Not really a fan of these dramas, made for entertainment, using real people and real events, mixed in with fiction.

In this particular case, I’m not really going to lose any sleep if they misrepresent Savile in any way. But as a general principle, I’m not really in favour.
Can't make my mind up if I should watch this or not.
I guess it depends on how old you are. If you lived through those times it is interesting to see behind the mask. If you are too young and it happened before you were born then I guess it is not so interesting.
Echoes of Savile in the Russell Brand story in the way people knew and nobody had the guts to put a stop to it
I remember when I was very young thinking Rolf Harris was so multi talented.
Painting, Jake the Peg, his wobble board , didgeridoo and " two little boys"
All considered great family viewing.
I'm trying to recall if he did a painting of the Queen but certainly recall a series where he taught children to swim.
All this was done in front of millions of TV viewers.
Echoes of Savile in the Russell Brand story in the way people knew and nobody had the guts to put a stop to it.
Kids knew, two lads in my year in the late 60s lived not far from Savile's gaff in Whalley Range and they openly referred to him a perv. The trouble was if they'd gone to a police station and made that allegation they'd have probably got a clip round the ear for their troubles. Many adults at the time were in awe of TV celebrities - basically starstruck - and put them on pedestals.
Kids knew, two lads in my year in the late 60s lived not far from Savile's gaff in Whalley Range and they openly referred to him a perv. The trouble was if they'd gone to a police station and made that allegation they'd have probably got a clip round the ear for their troubles. Many adults at the time were in awe of TV celebrities - basically starstruck - and put them on pedestals.
We had a local lord of the Manor who also ran the sea scouts and owned a boat. It was a standing joke amongst the kids never to go on it as he was a bandit but nothing was ever done about him.
Kids knew, two lads in my year in the late 60s lived not far from Savile's gaff in Whalley Range and they openly referred to him a perv. The trouble was if they'd gone to a police station and made that allegation they'd have probably got a clip round the ear for their troubles. Many adults at the time were in awe of TV celebrities - basically starstruck - and put them on pedestals.
Common knowledge also that Teret had a flat opposite the Girls Grammar school in Sale, he later moved into Teret Towers in Ashton on Mersey, now where the Beefeater type place is out by the By pass.
Binged it last night with the Mrs.
Dark dark shit.
How can one freaky looking f#cker like that get away with what he did and still mix it at the very top of levels of establishment.
Surely he would of been carefully watched/monitored even for just being a Yorkshire oddball regardless of the charity work
Binged it last night with the Mrs.
Dark dark shit.
How can one freaky looking f#cker like that get away with what he did and still mix it at the very top of levels of establishment.
Surely he would of been carefully watched/monitored even for just being a Yorkshire oddball regardless of the charity work
Because the top levels of establishment protected him, most probably because sadvile had dirt on them. And none of them were brave enough to open the whole can of sordid worms, unfortunately.
I'm old enough to remember him but don't remember his funeral so was slightly taken aback to see what was effectively a state funeral.
I bet everyone that attended never mentions the fact that they did.
Great acting from Coogan. Must of been hard to play such a hated and despicable subhuman being. I watched the second installment last night and what happened to them kids is tragic. The girl who took her own life was particularly hard to watch. What a bastard! I hope the crow eyed cunts burning in a vat of boiling tar for eternity.

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