The Times: Utd and Liverpool vetted new PL CEO candidates


Ziegler is digging some dirt. Both US owned clubs handpicking the PL chief!
Yes, having one accept and change their mind is careless, having two or three does suggest that there's something 'interesting'.
Letting the 2 history clubs vet the candidates is outrageous,why would they let them do that if nothing was going on,maybe their influence is why those 3 are not currently in the position,it says to me that as with Gill they want their men at the top and in a position to help them get back to the top
But the game isn’t bent...
I was just looking for the 'Is the game bent thread', and it would appear it's been taken down.

If it turns out that this story in the TImes is true, then it really goes to show that the favouritism that we all perceive is actually real, That the old guard (United/Arsenal/LiVARpool/Chelsea) are the ones really running the league..

Bent as f*ck.

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