The transfer forum.

C_T_I_D said:
Does anybody read it and sometimes stand back reading the names and reflecting on how far we have come, even since the initial take-over?

It doesn't seem too long ago since we had Robbie Fowler, John Macken, Felipe Caciedo, Emile Mpenza, Georgios Samaras and Bernardo Corradi up front etc. Nowadays we're talking about Ibrahimovic, Van Persie, Falcao amongst many others and it's bewildering especially when some say that they wouldn't want them to come here.

The progress we have made in terms of playing staff is exceptional and the change is hard to comprehend at times. Feels like a dream I'm not wanting to end. We truly won the lottery when Sheikh Mansour taken this club over and we'll be forever in his debt. The best owner in the world!

Only since I've been using that Man City history link Ric and James have put together as it struck me how far we've in such a short period of time. I've been looking back at the games I've been too and thinking did I really waste all that money watching that shite week in an week out.
Especially since it wasn't all that long ago that we were turned down by Andy O'Brien (who was being kept out of the Portsmouth team by Linvoy Primus)
I was bit disheartened this week to see that Christian Daily has now retired, so we'll never get to see him grace us with his God-like presence in the sky blue shirt after all.
I read it and genuinely havnt got a fucking clue about most of the names that get mentioned.

FIFA and Football Manager have a lot to answer for.
Seems along time ago that we were signing Mick Channon, the final piece in the jigsaw to win the league, Colin Viljoen, Steve Daley. Buster Philips. :-)
Benjani, almost missing signing because he fell asleep in an airport. Apart from that goal against the rags what a waste of money that was.

I was always gutted we went for him and allowed Pompey to sign Defoe. OK, Defoe isn't top class but he'd have done a better job than bloody "smiler" Benjani.
i remember being utterly gutted when craig hignett turned us down to sign for barnsley. god that season in Division 2 was hard, i think the fact we ultimately came up has rainbow tinted our memories. until we won the penalty shoot out there was far more misery than fun

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