The World Cup bid-Am I alone in not being at all bothered?



As the title says am I a lone voice in not being at all bothered about yesterday's failed world cup bid?.
By saying this I know I may cop a load of flack but the failed bid didn't concern me one bit, in fact I was glad we didn't win it.

Why?, Becuase did we really want to win a bid for to host one of the greatest sporting spectacles from an alleged corrupt organisation?.

The whole decision process was a sham from start to finish & surely it is not right that the decision makers tell the bidding nations who they would vote for in the days preceeding yesterday. Also you have to ask why did the England team feel the need to ask them where their vote was going?, this is not right & it's made us look complete fools by going public & saying they have the support of certain members.

The whole process should be organised so that no nation goes in as favourite, this was more like the euro vision song contest than a Fifa Decision bid day, all we needed is Terry Wogan to complete our misery.

People will point to the BBC (not that I have any affinity to them) & some newspapers as being to blame but I say they are right to report allegations of corruption & wrong doing to an organisation such as FIFA.
Also the ticket pricing policy would have been no doubt completely prohibitive to most England fans, probably pricing out a lot of the core people that FIFA wants to attend World cup games.
Like I say im prepared to be shot at but I stand by my post.
No not at all I am with you on that one.

What bothers me is that we even tried for it in the first place and the amount of time and money wasted in the attempt.

We should have just said that we were not going to bid as it would be a waste of time due to the FIFA voting system and the corruption that is rife in that organisation.

Also bear in mind that the cost of attending matches would be prohibitive to the vast majority of English football fans especially after they would have already spent a small fortune following their own club team in the preceding season.
Same here. I'm sure those thousands that follow England everywhere would rather see it overseas as well - mind you Russia will be an interesting journey for them!
I wasn't bothered at all and prefer to see a tournament abroad.

Euro 96 was great, but then after England was beaten on pens, your local gang of nobs were out smashing up German cars and just generally causing trouble.
This is what was guaranteed to happen again. Look at the Villa Brum match the other night as an example of the typical English football fan.

The press would have had a field day, producing all kinds of stories about corruption, hotel prices and general stuff about ripping supporters off, which would have been embarrassing.

As someone pointed out, from a City and selfish POV, it's a good thing that England wasn't awarded the finals, as twunts like the rags would have been given huge subsidies to do up the pig sty
I only have time and emotion for one football team and that's City. The world cup comes and goes. I forget who has won the next day. Even in the unlikely event that England won, it would pale into insignificance compared to City winning the league.
I am disappointed for the older football fans as they will probably not get to see a World Cup on English soil, anybody over the age of 40 will almost certainly not see one in their lifetime which is a shame imo.
Well I am gutted that a Honduras versus Morrocco match at Milton Keynes to see who finishes bottom of their group is now not going to happen.
Im a realist,we was never going to get.I gave up interest months ago.
robbieh said:
I only have time and emotion for one football team and that's City. The world cup comes and goes. I forget who has won the next day. Even in the unlikely event that England won, it would pale into insignificance compared to City winning the league.


The only people I feel sorry for are the local businesses who would have benefitted from it being held here
Not bothered either, something pretty special about watching a tournament abroad. Having said that I thought South Africa with its Vuvuzelas was a crime. I was also relieved that the USA didn't get it, as the last tourno there was as flat as a pancake and at daft times.

Come on...we've got the Olympics and we support the most exciting football team in the world!......

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