mandarin the universal language
sharia the dominant law
london renamed Taxevasia and following UDI raises its own armed forces courtesy of G4S and prepares for war with an independent Scotland
Following global warming the polar ice sheets now cover an area larger than ever.
Walmart now use zero wage contracts, dissenters sent to Guantanamo under the 'Patriot' directive
The pope issues a Fatwah against whistle-blowers
Following the destruction of the NHS , ''witch-doctor'' is now a recognized profession
Following the successful cloning of sepp blatter Fifa is now wealthier than Saudi Arabia
According to gideon gradgrind, the chancellor, privatising parliament was a great success and plans for doing the same thing with democracy are virtually complete.
Rupert Murdoch, the first cryogenic emperor of earth, is cleared of crimes against humanity, his plea that peasants are sub human was accepted