The worst actor on TV/film

Liam Neeson.
Only ever plays one character.
He only seems to take the one type of film on now. It's a long way from Schindler's list to Retribution. Though, to be fair, I think I read a while back that he was basically taking any role he fancied as a way of keeping himself busy after his wife died. He didn't want to have too much time on his hands to think about her. Which you can't blame him for.
Another vote for Dwayne Johnson (I’ll forever know him as The Rock.) He was brilliant on the mic as a wrestler and worked the crowd like no other but is a shocking actor.

When everyone knew he was dropping the WWE title to go acting then he was jeered throughout despite being the baby face (good guy) in that match.
Male: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
(He's the same persona no matter what the role/character of the movie is, see also Vin Diesel)

Male: Ryan Reynolds
(If you want a hero to repeatedly whisper a punchline during an action scene, that's his shtick for all of his career)

Female: Gal Gadot
(Just a terrible actress, ok eye candy)

Female: Michelle Rodriguez
(Her acting range varies from angry to slightly angry)
The female Statham.

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