The worst addiction you have? Smoking? Eating? ....


And the odd occasion of going mental and spending huge amounts on ale and scotch in an all day/night drinking binge.I think i turn into a smooth and charming bloke when infact i turn into an arse.
a mate of mine tried crystal meth, everybody said 1st time you do it, it is totally non addictive, no mater the quantity or strengh ..... he did it, and i havent hung round with him for 2 years, purely because it has sent him fuckin wrong ..... he did it when he was 16, i hung out with him for about 5 months, all the time tellin him to kick drugs etc, in the end i just left him to it, wasnt any talking to the guy, no idea where he is now, or what the fuck he is doing, hopefully he has kicked it and my thoughts go out to him, to destroy your life at 16 is appalling, im 19 now, and can honestly say my only addiction has to be lucozade, can have 2 bottles a day, 4 if im playin sport .... hard stuff im on, but nothing compared to what my mate did. Another guy i know did Smack that some random guy gave him in the street ... he is just an idiot, but he didnt get hooked or anything, and hasnt ever done it since, still hang round with him as all he does is smoke (legal stuff) and drink.

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