There are still some honest people about thankfully.


Well-Known Member
23 Dec 2009
Long story short.....(Well fairly short anyway)

Yesterday, (Sunday) as it was a decent day, myself and Mrs cbj decided to have a walk up to Kinder Downfall, near Hayfield in the Peak District. I was tasked with carrying a small rucksack, which contained Mrs cbj's varifocal glasses, (Cost £460), a special large lens for her Sony camera, (Present from our three lads last Christmas...(£350)...A Radley purse containing £45.83p, a Kath Kidson spectacle case, and a brand new M&S fleece, unworn bought last week cost £30.

Well, you can imagine what happened.....At the furthest point of the walk...a stiff six miles uphill to the Downfall, I had a short rest/sunbathe and forgot to pick it up. On the way back down, after about two miles..(She was slightly ahead of me),,,,I realised I did not have the backpack on my shoulder, so I caught her up and said "Have you got the backpack?" to which she replied "No you had it!"

I sense of shock and horror came over me..:(...I said "You go on back to the car (4 miles) and I'll backtrack to the furthest point of our walk..(2 miles uphill).......I did do but the backpack was nowhere to be seen, it was now 5.30, I was knackered in the middle of nowhere, we had only seen about six walkers all day it was that deserted.

So I made my way six miles back to the car...she was waiting in it, hoping I would return having found the missing item.
Of course when she found out, let's just say I was in the doghouse..:-), she was very upset, especially about the expensive glasses which were only about six months old.

Naturally, when we got back home at 8.30 I was sick as the proverbial chip for being so stupid, and said "Well I've lost the stuff, I'll replace it"

I decided to ring Derbyshire constabulary, to report it missing, in the forlorn hope that there might be a .001% chance that someone would hand it in..(I never expected to see the cash again).

Then, this morning, I decided to take the day off work, and go up there again by myself to have another look...yet another six mile stiff walk...yikes...but no, it was nowhere to be seen...but at least I consoled myself that I had had a really good look for it, and trudged back to the car...dejected

Then, just as I approached my car, my mobile rang, it was the Police at Glossop, the bag had been found, and a lady had contacted the police, and taken it back to her house in Poynton, Cheshire. She had found it at 5pm last night.

Of course I couldn't believe it, especially after I'd just got back from another long tiring walk......

Big do's and little do's I drove over to her house, she welcomed me in, made me a nice cup of tea and handed me the backpack in with everything there....even the £45.83.

Naturally I wanted to give her a reward so I offered her some money to go and have a nice meal, she didn't want to take it but I was insistent.

The moral of the story:-

1) Honest people still exist these days....

2) If you have any valuables, be sure put your contact details on them.
That's good to hear and glad you got all of your stuff back and more importantly got yourself out of the doghouse.
Thaksins Love Child said:
Your lucky I didn't find it

I know you are only joking, you sound like an honest type....All City fans are salt of the earth.....:)

If you are not joking hell awaits..............

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