Things from Maine Road we wont see at Eastlands

Being able to walk in and out of the ground without stepping on dog shit or falling down a grid (which my mate did) which had been removed (nicked for scrap) on claremont road.
The smell of the gents.

Season ticket number above turnstiles.

A majority of games on a Saturday.

People getting squashed against barriers when we score.

Policeman getting snowballed.

Four completely different sides to the ground.

Reasonably priced food and drink.

Cash turnstiles.

Leaky roof.

Cameramen/commentators shitting themselves as they go to their place above Main Stand.
The bloke with the placard stating " The End is Nigh ", and the Evening news wagon printing early copies of the Pink.
What about that blonde police woman on the horse that used to position herself next to mens bogs at the back of the Kippax. She could see right in cos of the gap between the wall and the roof. She was there every home game and so was I. Simple pleasures.

Also standing next to the biggest black guy I have ever seen and listening to red rum win it's 3rd national on his radio and hugging and kissing him as Dave Watson bulleted a header past the Ipswich goalie for a 1-0 win which took us up to third in the league. (I think).

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