Things that are missing from eastlands?


Well-Known Member
30 Oct 2008
I was driving past the old toilet rim on wednesday night from work and realised we dont have any of them unofficial shops around the grounds like we did at maine road (anyone remember taht shop that was on the corner at maine road?). Where you could buy all the t-shirts with stuff on.

Anyone else feel we're missing anything at eastlands?
A few trophies wouldn't go amiss, oh and a Ribery, i'd like us to buy one of those.

Since we put a decent tele in the corner and the electic hoardings, I don't think the stadium lacks anything now, and from the outside it looks classy, without being too much. Nope, I think it all works well as it is, other than the obvious.
I liked these little stalls. I miss the badges, used to look at them for ages to see what they had. Never bought any clothing though. That always had to be official

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