I used to date a stunning Welsh girl many years ago. Long blond hair, big green eyes, 5'-8" slim, nice teeth good skin. I was a lucky guy. I would walk down the street in Mcr and guys would walk past and wolf whistle, she was gorgeous with a really good personality.When i finally got her in the sack, after a lot of kissing and groping, i undid her jeans, slid them down,, to shock horror! She had a pair of pale pink apple catchers on made out of a wiceyette type material. I was gutted as i went limp on the spot and couldn't carry on the passion. Daft really as i should of ripped her bags of and "rattled me taters against her dirt box"(as the Macc lads once sang. Bloody hell, she was gorgeous and i never went back.
Ah well, said the sole. A sole, said the well! ; )