Things You Wonder About......

tyqmvko said:
andy h said:
Cats always land on their feet.
If you drop buttered bread it always lands on the floor on the buttered side.

So if you tied a piece of buttered bread (butter side up) on the back of a cat, which would land facing up if you then threw the cat off a tall building?


Thanks Tyqmvko, I will be able to sleep untroubled for the first time in years tonight :-)
if the earth spins on its axis once in 24 hrs and also orbits the sun once a year how the fuck can you use the north star to navigate a ship??
i just do not get it
citykev28 said:
if buzz lightyear was convinced he was a real spaceman and not a toy, why did he act like a toy whenever andy or his mam came in? why did he not try to explain the misunderstanding to someone who could possibly help him?

Thats the difference between the 'Toy Story' toys and a priest - they went floppy when a child walked into the room.

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