This building will look very different

Jonnos left peg said:
Pigeonho said:
Can see why people aren't agreeing with me about it being OTT, and whilst I maintain that opinion I do admit, now i've seen it, that its an impressive bit of art. For me though it just smacks a bit of 'cooeee, look at meeeeeee'. Maybe when we've won something I would relax that view a little, but even then i'd still be cringeing the old arse cheeks a little bit.

its just marketing, or as fergiscum calls it us 'noisy neighbours' just makin a bit more noise....but for publicity purposes, it's doing exactly what it should be, getting ppl talking about city, the curiosity factor..."ooh i might go and see whats goin on down at eastlands...i like this, i'll buy a ticket.(ableit not that fast but you get my point?)
Yeah course I see your point, I just don't remember a Chelsea mural or united mural, Arsenal or Blackburn murals when the league has been won. We haven't won anything yet but we're making a mural at the end of the fly over?! Only my opinion like, but I just think its a bit big headed.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:16 am --<br /><br />
BluePurgatory said:
Pigeonho said:
And people wonder why the media have a pop at us. To OTT all this.

Why is it over the top? Its positioned .5 mile from the ground. Is it having a dig? No
As already stated, its just my opinion. Put it this way, if this was a united mural, and they had gone 30 odd years without winning anything, all of a sudden came into money and started the big spend, then put a huge mural for everyone to see, I would put my ludicrously high mortgage that people on here would be like, 'FFS, they've not even won owt yet, big headed twats'. Like I say, just my opinion mate, thats all. On one hand people are pissing and moaning because the press dare say negative things about us, but then they say this mural is to get people talking about us?!! Contradictory?
Pigeonho said:
Jonnos left peg said:
its just marketing, or as fergiscum calls it us 'noisy neighbours' just makin a bit more noise....but for publicity purposes, it's doing exactly what it should be, getting ppl talking about city, the curiosity factor..."ooh i might go and see whats goin on down at eastlands...i like this, i'll buy a ticket.(ableit not that fast but you get my point?)
Yeah course I see your point, I just don't remember a Chelsea mural or united mural, Arsenal or Blackburn murals when the league has been won. We haven't won anything yet but we're making a mural at the end of the fly over?! Only my opinion like, but I just think its a bit big headed.

-- Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:16 am --

BluePurgatory said:
Why is it over the top? Its positioned .5 mile from the ground. Is it having a dig? No
As already stated, its just my opinion. Put it this way, if this was a united mural, and they had gone 30 odd years without winning anything, all of a sudden came into money and started the big spend, then put a huge mural for everyone to see, I would put my ludicrously high mortgage that people on here would be like, 'FFS, they've not even won owt yet, big headed twats'. Like I say, just my opinion mate, thats all. On one hand people are pissing and moaning because the press dare say negative things about us, but then they say this mural is to get people talking about us?!! Contradictory?

Take on board your opinions, but let face it the rag press are never going to give us any credit even when we start to win things and for me anything that city do that may piss them off is fine with me.
BluePurgatory said:
Pigeonho said:
Yeah course I see your point, I just don't remember a Chelsea mural or united mural, Arsenal or Blackburn murals when the league has been won. We haven't won anything yet but we're making a mural at the end of the fly over?! Only my opinion like, but I just think its a bit big headed.

-- Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:16 am --

As already stated, its just my opinion. Put it this way, if this was a united mural, and they had gone 30 odd years without winning anything, all of a sudden came into money and started the big spend, then put a huge mural for everyone to see, I would put my ludicrously high mortgage that people on here would be like, 'FFS, they've not even won owt yet, big headed twats'. Like I say, just my opinion mate, thats all. On one hand people are pissing and moaning because the press dare say negative things about us, but then they say this mural is to get people talking about us?!! Contradictory?

Take on board your opinions, but let face it the rag press are never going to give us any credit even when we start to win things and for me anything that city do that may piss them off is fine with me.
Absolutely mate, I just want us to do it on the pitch first, starting with tonight :-)
The media campaign last season - Ade's face, Bellamy, SWP and Tevez posters, won critical acclaim from the design world - probably the only positive press we got!

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