This weekend's games, (22/23 March)

jayblue said:
you can clearly see ox say " ref it was me "

Silly thing is the ball was going wide and had it been Gibbs he would have left it or flung his foot.

Amazing how midfielders and attackers rarely know where the goals are when defending.
Pigeonho said:
taconinja said:
baldybouncer said:
In fairness, looking at that replay it looks as though he says to the ref that it was him!
He did say that from my admittedly limited ability to read lips.
Ah fair enough. Marriner must be on fucking drugs then!

What I don't get is that linesman on the far side would have had a clear view of the back of Ox's shirt, so why didn't he mention it? it was clear the ref didn't make his own call and got it through the earpiece to give the decision.
Chelsea are without doubt the new United. Baffling decisions, games gifted to them, stuffy goals.
This makes a nonsense of some of the arguments for not using TV evidence. It wouldn't have taken any longer than all the faffing about and protesting, and they'd have got the right decision at the end of it.
Fuckin' refereeing standard is just amateur - why aren';t these twats made accountable to the media after the match - it would stop all these bent/incompetent decisions. Refs are deciding the outcome of the title -not the players. What a bunch of James Hunts.
Chelsea gonna pad their goal difference here. They're catching up to Liverpool and us now.
The FA will rescind Gibbs card, wonder if they can charge Chambo?

Hopefully Mariner enjoys league 1 football.

Also, fuck off Arsenal

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