Throwing the placards on the pitch

This is what's up with football these days. Too many kill joys tellin you to sit down and shit killing the atmosphere. Bring back the terrace days of real football days out.
what about in the old days when everyone used to throw bog roll onto the pitch
bring back them days i say
AbuDhabiDan said:
No point continuing this thread - waste of time and energy. If you need to explain to people why throwing stuff (paper, card, whatever) on the pitch after being repeatedly asked not to is a bad idea, you are wasting your breath. They are just not going to get it - ever. This sort of 'knowing your rights but not your responsibilities' is evident in nobheads everywhere, even in blues unfortunately. You can tie yourself up in knots frustrated that they cannot see common sense and the consequences if their idiotic behaviour. At the end of the day you just need to accept that some people are just not very bright. I just hope the club identifies them and bans them. They embarrass me and embarrass Manchester City.

Hear, hear. Throwing pieces of paper at people is not only embarrassing but downright dangerous. One could receive a frightful paper cut.
Not only was it paper being thrown but the colourful language hurled around the place was appalling. An other awful trend seems to be wolf whistling to suggest a player plays like a female after they've performed a misplaced strike. This is terribly sexist and also needs to be stamped out. This would never happen at the opera.
I believe all this vulgar behaviour to be generally alcohol fueled so I would suggest as well as the club banning the 500+ fans that threw the paper they should also ban all alcohol from in and around the stadium for all games.
Lets say good riddance to this side of football culture once and for all.
It made us look like immature childish twats and I was embarassed when it carried on.
No need for further action from the club (Or indeed UEFA) but it doesn't excuse it.
chesterbells said:
Prodigal Son said:
Del Monte said:
I have the utmost respect for our club and our owners, I didn't throw paper myself as I was on the other side of the South Stand, but I'm sure our owners will get over a little fine! To be honest, bar the last minute winner, that was the most entertaining part of the game. The fact that we are being fined anyway beggars belief, seeing as Napoli fans can go around stabbing people and not have to worry about getting their club in the shit!

I'll say it again, get over it, it doesn't affect you does it?

I'm sure our owner will get over a little fine? Chelsea got caned for £85k for chucking shit. Now while £85k is like 10p to me to these guys it's not that fucking long ago that was the most we could afford for a fucking player.

It's indicative of the attitude that we don't give a fuck about our owner having to pay "little fines" so "we" can have a fucking right good laugh.

That's by the by. I'm more pissed off that even after two fucking announcements, pleading with them to stop. They didn't. Give a fuck.

As for I posed in another thread I'm sure you've read as it's about the same shit...

They don't go round stabbing people in the ground. Just like we wouldnt be in the shit with UEFA if our new "a4 firm" had been chucking it about in Piccadilly Gardens.

This isn't about us getting treated worse than Napoli, it's about us getting in mither for moronic fucking actions of people who get a massively disproportionate laugh out of nursery school shit and don't give a fuck when asked not to do it. Just like they don't give a fuck when they are asked / told not to do other shit.

My fucking three year old stops when she's told. Did they think the club were fucking joking with them when they said at HT the ref was going to report it to UEFA or did they not give a shit?

I wonder which.


40 plus pages on and this post sums up what exactly the problem is.

Agreed spot on that.
Carl_Man_City said:
chesterbells said:
Prodigal Son said:
I'm sure our owner will get over a little fine? Chelsea got caned for £85k for chucking shit. Now while £85k is like 10p to me to these guys it's not that fucking long ago that was the most we could afford for a fucking player.

It's indicative of the attitude that we don't give a fuck about our owner having to pay "little fines" so "we" can have a fucking right good laugh.

That's by the by. I'm more pissed off that even after two fucking announcements, pleading with them to stop. They didn't. Give a fuck.

As for I posed in another thread I'm sure you've read as it's about the same shit...

They don't go round stabbing people in the ground. Just like we wouldnt be in the shit with UEFA if our new "a4 firm" had been chucking it about in Piccadilly Gardens.

This isn't about us getting treated worse than Napoli, it's about us getting in mither for moronic fucking actions of people who get a massively disproportionate laugh out of nursery school shit and don't give a fuck when asked not to do it. Just like they don't give a fuck when they are asked / told not to do other shit.

My fucking three year old stops when she's told. Did they think the club were fucking joking with them when they said at HT the ref was going to report it to UEFA or did they not give a shit?

I wonder which.


40 plus pages on and this post sums up what exactly the problem is.

Agreed spot on that.

Also our owner will not get the fine, the club will and it will be down on the books as an expenditure. the club will need to get the same amount of income to ensure it is not a loss for the fair play rules.<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:17 pm --<br /><br />
AbuDhabiDan said:
No point continuing this thread - waste of time and energy. If you need to explain to people why throwing stuff (paper, card, whatever) on the pitch after being repeatedly asked not to is a bad idea, you are wasting your breath. They are just not going to get it - ever. This sort of 'knowing your rights but not your responsibilities' is evident in nobheads everywhere, even in blues unfortunately. You can tie yourself up in knots frustrated that they cannot see common sense and the consequences if their idiotic behaviour. At the end of the day you just need to accept that some people are just not very bright. I just hope the club identifies them and bans them. They embarrass me and embarrass Manchester City.

Still don't think they will get the point, but good try.

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