Tickets home - Real Madrid - Sold out

I got two tickets on the web - one for me and one for my boy in the Family Stand - both SC card holders. Just hung up on the phone at position 56 - hope that nudges someone else closer to the top.

As others have said, quick seats seems to be the way forward. Don't try and select your own seat - especially for two people, you'll end up in timeout hell.

Ticketing IT - bunch of blundering cockwombles.

Good luck!
Has anyone managed to get their own seat online? Been trying for 3hrs 15mins & it just sticks on loading my seat into the basket
Finally got ours through quick seats. Not our usual seats bit the same block. Now I just need to make up for a wasted morning...
Was going to wait until lunchtime until I saw the tweets about issues. Started at 17000 in queue, took about 5 minutes to get in then about 15 minutes to get through all the screens to pay. Running really slowly, but it's working.

Think they should have given season ticket holders more than a morning though and not allowed them to buy extra.

Still, Capital One Cup in cabinet, potential Champions League trophhy and we've just made a play to win back the Cup for Cock Ups. Typical
103 in the phone queue, nearly broken into the top100. Can't get past selecting a seat on the web, just hangs whenever i select a seat.
Only advice I can give is to not call up

I was in the 10000s in the queue and it took me at least 5 minutes to get a ticket using my laptop

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