
heheh, google translate, great..

Manchester City, eh? No match for the might of Poli Timisoara. Who knows, if some of your players impress us, they might even snatch a transfer to Romania :)

Anyway, not really the draw we were hoping for, obviously. It's gonna be a pretty attractive fixture for us, though, as it'll be something to see the likes of Tevez and Silva playing in Timisoara. Sure, we're aware our chances are as slim as they get but last year we got the better of Shaktar Donetsk (UEFA Cup holders at that time) which certainly means we're no pushovers :D
Nice scenery.

Vik_TM said:
heheh, google translate, great..

Manchester City, eh? No match for the might of Poli Timisoara. Who knows, if some of your players impress us, they might even snatch a transfer to Romania :)

Anyway, not really the draw we were hoping for, obviously. It's gonna be a pretty attractive fixture for us, though, as it'll be something to see the likes of Tevez and Silva playing in Timisoara. Sure, we're aware our chances are as slim as they get but last year we got the better of Shaktar Donetsk (UEFA Cup holders at that time) which certainly means we're no pushovers :D

There was some guy I saw on Twitter who follows the UEFA Cup (Europa League) and posted that he was impressed with Poli. I think our fans are taking this too lightly - you'll be a good team to face.
Good luck, although not enough luck to beat us.
And thanks for the info lads, should be there.
Hi, my name is Dorin, first post here, I'm a professional photographer living in Timisoara.

On my website <a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.livepanoramas.com</a> you can see many panoramas from Timisoara, also very recent panos from the stadium from last week match.

here is a walk through downtown
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/Timisoara28mai2010/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/Timisoara28mai2010/</a>
also available as 3D if you have red-cyan glasses (click on the little glasses)
the most photographed square in Timisoara (also in 3D)
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/PtaUnirii27mai2010/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/PtaUnirii27mai2010/</a>
some music show in that very square
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/publika/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/publika/</a>

And, yes, the tour of the stadium starts here
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli-myllykosken-cp/?pano=027&y=-0.20&p=15.91&f=65.00" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli ... 91&f=65.00</a>
(click on the time entries at right for various positions around the stadium, also kindly notice that there is a 'next' for the next panos)
the latest panos from sunday's match by FC Timisoara is here
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli-cfr/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli-cfr/</a>

I also intend to cover the upcoming match Timisoara vs City here
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli-mcity/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livepanoramas.com/event/poli-mcity/</a>
if everiting goes ok the panos will be online couple of minutes after the shoot

BTW there is lots of fans of the City in Timisoara as well as in many places in the world

Good luck with the match!

On the other hand I tried do find a way to contact the PR or media department of the City team in hope to acces me for some interesting panos from the middle of the players at the official training here in the day before the match, that could be spectacular for City's fans as well.
I'll certainly meet the spokeman at the press conference and ask their copperation then but I guess the sooner I contact them , the better.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.livepanoramas.com</a>

p.s. please escuse my English
Good work Dorin thanks for that.

As for your English it is far better than some of the posts we get on here.
Especially at chucking out time!
Timisoara is full of places here you can drink, those main two squares in downtown are full now with teraces (not know the exact word, table, with chairs where you can order your favorite drink) like this one
<a class="postlink" href="http://dorin.europhoto.ro/fototm/080509/pano1/pano.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://dorin.europhoto.ro/fototm/080509/pano1/pano.html</a>

If you're more speciffic I'll post back some infos.
In short is no shortage of places where you can have a good drink.

I can post here panos from bars, for example a bar where a dutchman says that whant to visit when he comes to Timisoara.
<a class="postlink" href="http://dorin.europhoto.ro/fototm/060309/pano2/pano.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://dorin.europhoto.ro/fototm/060309/pano2/pano.html</a>
you can click on the green areas on the floor for a different pano in the same bar.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livepanoramas.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.livepanoramas.com</a>
If any guys from Timisora want to know places to drink or stay in Manchester, just ask, we'll let you know some good places to go in Manchester.
I've noticed Timisoara in the European trophies for a few years, and I think you will be a tough game, it will be a good game. I just want to know how good your team is compared to Steaua and Cluj this season? And how do you see City in your country and the fans of Timisoara, does everyone know who we are and what do you think of playing us?

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