After getting snubbed by an earlier girl and felt quite bad for a bit beleiving I had a chance with her, I somehow had swioed right on this girl - not the best looking but gave her a shot anyway. Seemed nice enough and after exchanging messages for a while, we set up a date. It was alright, nothing more, nothing less and we left it at that. However since then she has turned quite obsessive, and I can see some sweet moments in that, it has wore me on as I don't feel anything more than being friends. How to tell her this in as a decent way as possible is proving hard, as it appears as tho I'm leaving her for purely superficial reasons.
Situation got more tasty as the next day me and a beautiful girl matched and have been messaging since, moved the convo onto FB and she seems positive all round, messages are of balanced length , quite meaty, we have a lot in common, both future work and socially, I find her attractive (and assume she does too). Finds my rather crap jokes to be funny also, but I don't want to take this too fast because she seems like a keeper. Her exams finish this week (mine run on till the 27th) so meeting up may be slightly problematic right now. But I really don't want to loose her. She seems different to me. Any advice?