You've just made my point for me. A total apathy towards sorting the problem, because lets face it, it basically boils down to "We like guns - Don't take our guns".
YOU have made MY point from days ago…it’s one big “Look at the idiots!” wankfest for the holier than thou KNOW NOTHINGS on here!
YOU tell ME “it’s called an AMENDMENT” as if I don’t know what it is AFTER I GAVE YOU THE GOVERNOR COUNT!!
It’s fucking mental the fascination you people (the small handful of Bluemooners) have with America and guns!!! Not one single American thinks about them as much as you do…and it’s not apathy, it’s reality!!
You ploughing the exact same ground OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, until you get one little opening that allows you your moral superiority of “See, that’s the problem and there’s an easy fix…change your stupid laws!”
It’s idiotic and pathetic!
Do you think that those people in America who are sick and tired of gun crime DON’T want to change the law? Are THEY just too apathetic to write a new one?
The “YAWN” is EXACTLY how I feel about the whole circle jerk!
We talk around and around, yet it’s just so you can point and laugh…or is it cry?…at the issue from afar.
There is NO POLITICIAN IN AMERICA who is trying to change 2A. NONE!
Is EVERY American stupid?
Do they just not KNOW what YOU KNOW?
Did they forget it was just a simple matter of “AMENDMENT”?
You make me laugh!
I agree that gun CRIME is out of control. Literally sick and tired of seeing it on the news just miles from my house. So, in order to try to aid in the understanding of the situation, I engage in debate of the issues. Quickly, I’m a gun nut, part of the problem, a symbol of the apathy, just don’t get it, etc, etc, etc..,ALL TIRED, TORTURED LOGIC, because WITHOUT MY WILLINGNESS TO TRY TO ENGAGE TO GIVE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE, IT WOULD BE A SMALL HANDFUL OF GUYS STROKING EACH OTHER!!!
For the umpteenth time:
Yes, there is a gun problem.
No, law abiding ownership isn’t the problem.
Yes, there should be severe penalties for commission of a crime with a firearm.
No, the Second Amendment will not be amended with the current political make up of the United States and the Constitutional requirements to get an Amendment passed in the United States.
Yes, I know you think that’s crazy.
No, no-one in America cares what you think about guns or 2A.
Yes, I know that bothers you.
No, that will not change anything.
I hope that helps, because I’m tired of the whole nonsense. You seem INCAPABLE of understanding that ZERO Republicans will vote for an Amendment, while MORE THAN A FEW Democrats would also be against change.
So, wake me up when the CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PASSING AN AMENDMENT are even close to a possibility and we can talk. Until then, save your moral outrage and the looking down your nose, because it’s long past boring. It’s not helping anyone and it’s making you look and sound like you have no REAL understanding of the problem AT ALL.
I live here. I’ve studied the issue, because it was foreign to me. I made my decisions on how I wanted to live in a 2A world. I’m not your problem, neither is my “mentality.” You are tilting at windmills if you think ANYTHING YOU SAY has any effect on the issue, yet you continue to point, snicker and roll your eyes. It’s tiresome, I’m yawning.